A Christian Ph.D. Comments On Our Commentators

This e-mail I received from Mike Russell of eternal perspectives (with permission):

I do apologize for some of the pathetic and vitriolic responses made by Christians: freedom of speech is a dangerous thing on the wrong lips. I noticed that you seem to attract more than a few Christians who tend not to be - what shall we say? - deep thinkers or widely/deeply read. Their hearts are good but they haven't been sufficiently confused enough to wrestle with some of the hard, unyielding questions. I suppose they have certain assumptions about God, Christianity, and the Bible that they defend tenaciously, but don't stop to actually question their assumptions (e.g., "Christians should be able to explain everything because God has provided all the answers in the Bible," or "God owes me an answer," i.e., the Job syndrome). They're good-hearted people, for the most part, but just young and/or ignorant (think Will Rogers here).

As far as CenturiOn goes, I wouldn't recommend DagoodS' participation in any so-called debate. The "Pyromaniacs," as they like to call themselves, aren't the most reasonable or loving people claiming the name of Christ. Neither am I at all times, of course, but I seem to have developed the ability to say such difficult things as, "I'm sorry," "I was wrong," or "You're right." I'm not "Truly Reformed" and so I'm a bastard child in their eyes. Call me Jephthah. Fine with me.


Michael Russell said...

Oops. It's a D.Min., not a Ph.D.

Anonymous said...

Another reader chimes in here.

Brother D said...

Whenever I see men claiming to be Christians with years of seminary and PhD's tacked all over their names, the only thing that comes to mind is "unlearn." How does one learn true Christianity, through academic rigamarole or by the direct teaching of the Spirit of God? Of course, this notion of being taught directly by the Spirit of God becomes offensive very quickly to today's "learned scholars" since this direct revelation essentially castrates their power over the masses. Knowledge is power right?

The sons of God are taught by the Spirit of God. The seminary system is part of the centralized control over today's apostate christianity that has poisoned generation after generation of men to bring christianity where it is today-a counterfeit abomination. That is not to say that true Christianity does not still exist. Simple faith in Jesus Christ does still exist in men scattered around the globe but these men are censored, shunned, and otherwise treated like their forefathers, the prophets before them who were killed for speaking the truth to an evil world who did'nt want to hear it. Nobody ever became popular by speaking the truth, the Son of God was crucified for it. What does that say about all the "popular" preachers of our day and throughout history. Something to think about....

Anonymous said...

DBULL, I can see that you are anti-intellectual. Since that is the case, this isn't a site for you to bother with. Come on, how many times will you repeat this old tired reasoning to us? You've said this once, I don't want to hear it again. Your argument is one that only uneducated and ignorant people make. It's stupid. You can't see why. Now move on.