Global Peace Index Shows Atheistic Nations are More Peaceful.

A GPI comparison of theistic nations to atheist nations shows us that peace is non-theistic.


Tim Ricchuiti said...

Remember, folks, correlation = causation.

Joshua Jung said...

In this case, all that matters is debunking the worn out argument that:

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD."

At that point, it doesn't matter whether its correlation or causation. The point is simple: 'godliness' does not correlate with OR cause national peace.

Joshua Jung said...

[Anticipating Christian response]

"But that is OUR fault, we are just not TRYING hard enough to live the Christian life! If we were, it would bring about the peace we seek." ~ Average Christian Response in These Scenarios (ACRTS)

Mark Plus said...

I notice that Christians want to argue it both ways: Atheism made the communist countries violent and oppressive; atheism makes Western European countries pacifist and weak.

But this empirical evidence supports Gregory S. Paul's thesis about livable atheized societies. It also falsifies the Nietzschean nonsense that atheism would lead to nihilism.

AndrewG said...

I agree with Tim here - far too simplistic. Correlation != Causation... Much more likely that the prevalence of religion = lack of 'free' comprehensive education and exposure to other cultures = more likely to do what you're told by leaders and be made fearful of other religions/locations/colours/etc...

O'Brien said...

Ah, yes, more pseudostatistics from the atheists.

(As a real statistician, I have to laugh when someone cites dinosaur doodler Gregory Paul as an authority.)