What is it with Catholic Priests? Catholic Sex Abuse in Germany

It happened in America. It happened in Ireland. Now, it seems that another major Catholic sex abuse scandal is about to break open - this time in Germany....this story has punched another hole in the Catholic church's flimsy pretext of being able to speak with moral authority to the rest of us. They are a whited sepulcher, whose ornate facade conceals only moral rot and corruption within, and a cabal of wicked old men more concerned with preserving their own power than with any harm they allowed to be inflicted on innocents. They do not deserve the continued allegiance or support of any thinking person. Link: Daylight Atheism


Anonymous said...

Just have a look at this site which records dozens of illegal activities by priests every week:

Hypocrist Watch

Emanuel Goldstein said...

Yeah, John, and what is it with ministers and sexual impropreity?

Chuck said...


Your ad hominem towards John while a logical fallacy to his point also proves his point by illustrating through insinuation his past indiscretions. The point is that those who believe in a personal god who imparts an indwelling counselor to navigate a moral path is contradicted by those closest to that personal god. Which leads to the question, if a personal god cannot inculcate the morality within his leaders despite living within them, does that god exist? If he does, why is he so inefficacious with regard to those who would do his image the most harm?

Chuck said...


It is due to stories like these and Marc Thiessen's defense of torture on the Catholic TV station EWTN that motivated my harsh treatment of Dr. Kenneth Howell. He aligns himself with an institution that is evil.

Unknown said...

We're all human and prone to error. I don't think we should resort to pointing out individual failures to criticize an entire religion. People make mistakes all the time...

Chuck said...


I don't mind when people make mistakes but, chronic collusion in the name of child-rape calls into question the moral foundation of that institution and the truth of its reason for being.

Either God has a very self-defeating promotional strategy or, he doesn't exist. I prefer the latter choice, it is more sane and more mature.

Your perspective gives license to the possibility of this crime happening again.

Exploring the Unknowable said...

To Winston Smith and his Christian friends out there. A question from non-Christians:

If we are told that the followers of God, indwelt with the Holy Spirit, are to be his ambassadors on this Earth, representative of his character, love, and grace, and yet continually see Christian after Christian fall miserably short of this lofty standard, what are we to conclude?

Are we to suppose, every time a Christian commits such an atrocity as the one above, that they just weren't following God closely enough, or perhaps they weren't Christian after all?

Are we to, in every instance, just assume that all bad things Christians do are not indicative of the Christian faith, but, of course, all good things Christians do are fruits of the spirit?

Are you really asking us to presuppose the moral superiority of Christians before we judge their actions, thereby eliminating us from ever equating evil doing with a Christian?

The fact is, these are not isolated incidents. Christianity has, in almost every way, acted just as savagely as any other group that has risen to power, and that just highlights the very human foundation upon which it is built.

Could you imagine the witness to the glory of God that Christians would be if they were to walk in righteousness, whereby no rational onlooker would be able to deny, there is something different about this breed of people. There is truly something special about what they believe, and the world would be forced to take notice. Didn't Christ say that no one should hide a lamp's light from being shone?

Wouldn't God want this, and since God is ultimately in control of Christian sanctification, wouldn't he have every ability to bring it to pass?

Yet, that's not how things are. Not by a long shot. And yet, you criticize us for merely being observant.

Just another nail in the coffin.

Richard said...


We're all human and prone to error. I don't think we should resort to pointing out individual failures to criticize an entire religion. People make mistakes all the time...

The problem is that they're making mistakes relevant to their claimed competence.

If one medical school starts producing students who make lost of medical mistakes, we would doubt the school. Either they don't know medicine, or they can't teach it.

If a particular pilot's union's pilots crash a bunch of planes, then we start to doubt the union. Either they don't know piloting, or they can't teach it.

If a church declares a whole bunch of child molesters to be qualified as moral pillars of their communities, we can doubt that church's judgment as well. Either they can't recognize morality, or they can't teach it.

This is even setting aside the obstruction of justice that the church seems to have participated in previously.