My Interview on CTV News: The Pope Should Step Down and Allow a Full Investigation

I'm interviewed about the sex scandals surrounding the Catholic Church and Pope Benedict. Watch it here.
An author and former Protestant minister says that if the Pope really cared about the church, he would do what is necessary to show investigators the full extent of the abuse that took place within the Catholic church.


Jim said...

I just finished watching it live on CTV news. Well done John! This should be great PR for your book.
And a Happy Chocolate Bunny Weekend to you.

Tory Ninja said...

How on earth did you get on a Canadian news network?? And why did they ask you to comment on this particular scandal?? I'm not trying to be insulting, I am just genuinly suprised that you were on CTV. It just seems so random!

Eric J.S. said...

If you listen to the first part of it, the anchor says John is coming from Angola, India instead of Indiana.

Anonymous said...

Required reading on the Pope and the scandal here and here. I don't think the facts at all support the notion that he should "step down."

Harry H. McCall said...

Sadly, the Pope is more worried about the image of the Roman Catholic Church than the damaged lives of the adults who were molested a kids.

Fact is, the Cult of Jesus (known as Christianity), has done more damage to humanity than any so-called escape goat Satan and a demon army could ever hope to do!

And now with Viagra, priests who (are sexual predators) will not have Erectile Dysfunction slowing them down as they age.

Steven Bently said...

"Let the one without sin, cast the first stone."

With christianity, no one can accuse anyone with any crime or wrong doing!

Because the buybull was written by criminals for the express reason to forgive them for whatever crime they happen to do against another human being.

Jesus forgives for all crimes and sins, except he doesn't forgive for non-belief in him, no matter how good a person you try to be, he prefers to forgive murderers, rapists, liars, thieves, etc.

HERP said...

You should come on Canadian television more often John.

nazani said...

When are we going to get around to the Protestants? Their "body count" may actually be higher, but the looser organization of the many denominations interferes with our recognizing their child abuse as a pattern instead of isolated incidents.
Please see:
Best of luck to all Hindus, Moslems, etc. who struggle against institutionalized child abuse.

Gandolf said...

Harry H. McCall, CET said..."Sadly, the Pope is more worried about the image of the Roman Catholic Church than the damaged lives of the adults who were molested a kids."

Thats for sure Harry.

Quite likely too for a long long time, many of them tried calling any people speaking out about these matters, as supposedly merely being just moaning whingers.

Rather than having some decency and guts to be a little honest and simply face the music, they`d rather try and downplay the serriousness of these matters, and try and make it look like those speaking out about these matters, as just being people only interested in causing trouble over trivial matters.

I say its time for a WORLDWIDE full investigation into all matters surrounding the practice of religion faith in general.

Clare said...

Yes, there are pedophiles in other religious groups, boys boarding schools, boy scouts, choirs, hockey teams etc. but the Catholic church has a disproportionately higher rate of child abuse due to the celibacy rules for priests. It provides the perfect cover, as no-one will ask them why they aren't married or have girlfriends.
Myabe if priests were allowed to be married, that might help a little, but I think this Pope is not likely to make any major changes or resign. I think he will just play ostrich and hope all the scandals will die down.

Double A said...

Twisted comment about Viagra, Harry. By the way, all the evil perpetrated by people in the name of Christianity is a result of Satan's power. What irony that Satan's most powerful weapon is to use the name of God to turn people away from God.

Clare said...

Do you think that the Pope will carry out his planned trip to England in September with the threat of lawsuits or possible arrest from human rights lawyers over there?