"And a little child will lead them..." Isaiah 11:6

Watch this if you want to see something spooky:


Anonymous said...

When did this baby ever make a decision to believe in her(?) religion from out of the many different religions available?

Wouldn't you think that when she grows up she should do so? And when she does, don't you think she should treat all religious claims the same when doing so, without prejudice, much like a historian who wants to know the truth, or a disinterested member of a jury who must decide a case impartially?

mikespeir said...

Children are great imitators.

Anonymous said...

Creepy, and sad. My daughter used to jam out to The Beatles "I've Got a Feeling" and it was much cuter...

Anonymous said...

The mental institution will be waiting to pick up the pieces.

Jeffrey A. Myers said...

Poor kid. Wish she had better people to imitate. And here I thought it was creepy to watch grown people do that.

Chuck said...


I have a five-month-old and after accodating my wife's desire to entertain "Christian Community" I shared with her Monday I find Reformed Theology (the basis for the church we attended) evil and dishonest. I said we could enjoy "Christian Community" as long as the church is pro-gay-marriage and pro-science. I think I'd fail as a parent if my son found solace in this kind of mindless mimickery.

Anonymous said...

Luckily this is just mimicking. The videos of Jesus Camp and most recently Korean Jesus Camp are really sickening and frightening... to watch a little girl vibrate and rock and weep uncontrollably and speak in tongues... how can any Christian of sound mind and good character look at that and not realize how absolutely terrifying it is what's being done to his or her children?

Jeff Eyges said...

how can any Christian of sound mind

Well, there you go.

Compassionate Heathen said...

This is scary...child abuse, indoctrination, brainwashing....this was me when I was a kid and the memories are a nightmare...I can't even watch this all the way through. So sad.

John said...

This was a little weird. I wasn't ever forced into believing in God myself. It was something that I came to believe and experience at about 16 years old. It wasn't the kind of experience where I shook violently or spoke in tounges. It was more of a sense of love, peace, and wonder at the beauties of creation. I've found myself in the presence of something Greater that produces a humble childlike joy within me. Not that it stays all the time but it's gotten alot better recently. I can say that I have hope today.

Thin-ice said...

Cole, I was 14 when I had the same experience. Now, if all Christians were like you - providing that you love and accept unconditionally and with sincere warmth even those who say your God doesn't exist - then I might see how the christian religion could be a great comfort and even a force for good in the world. But the christian religion, beginning with Jesus himself, does not display those characteristics. The harm done to nature and the human race during the last 2000 disqualifies it from consideration. But if it brings you personal peace and comfort, in spite of all the damage done elsewhere, then you are blessed. But blessed as well are all those who have found the same peace and comfort in yoga, meditation, Buddhism, and numerous other alternate beliefs/practices.

John said...


I've never practiced or studied all those other beliefs so I don't know if it's the same or not. I'm limited on my Bible knowledge as well. I like the passage that says whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and whoever loves his brother is in the light. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in Him. I also like the scriptures that speak of loving your enemies.

I also go to A.A. and they seem to be finding comfort in a loving God without calling Him Jesus Christ. I don't really have a problem with that myself. I'm just attracted to Christ in His humility and love that He seemed to have for others. He had a "Higher Power" that He trusted and relied upon.

Steven Bently said...

Religions are fit for someone with the intelligence of a two year old child.

Breckmin said...

The greatest commandment is that you LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart.

How can a two year old obey this commandment? How can they know anything about God?

Question everything!

But when you question...know that there are answers to your questions and that life is too often a fantasy where death is the final reality.

GearHedEd said...

There is some good news in the video...

Did anyone else notice all the empty seats in that church?

Let's hope they STAY empty.

GearHedEd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GearHedEd said...

Also, I typed in that facebook link at the top of the video, but there was an authorization screen that popped up, asking if I wanted to let Rose Cafarelli (the baby's mom, presumably) to access ALL my facebook information.

I declined to accept this, and y'all should too.

B.R. said...

Yet another revolting display brought to you by the Buy-Bull Belt.

Fundamentalists are disgusting.