Could the Rapture Have Already Occurred?

The picture is of a cemetery headstone I photographed in the grave yard of a Baptist church.

According to the epitaph, William Orr died at age 73 and either Lethe has the Methuselah gene as Mrs. Orr is now 154 years old or she has been raptured out of this world to be with Jesus.

The bottom of the tombstone states clearly: Gone but not forgotten. And a closer inspection proved that only Mr. Orr’s grave had been used.

Now I ask; is it just possible that Mr. Orr was unsaved and his body is still in the grave while his soul is in Hell awaiting the final judgment while Mrs. Orr was raptured out?

Or do you think that Lethe is still alive and kicking at 154 years old because she has the Methuselah gene ?

Anyway, this is some theological food for thought and a point for discussion on the lighter side here at DC.


brian_g said...

Perhaps she found someone else . . . to be buried with?

Pull The Other One! said...

I see that Mrs Orr was born on the tenth anniversary of the Great Disappointment!

Of course, it could be just a co-incidence, but if you apply a bit of Christian logic....!

Just us - Just me said...

Maybe she was burried somewhere else? Or she dissapeared and her body was never found?

Scary Jesus said...

You crazy darwinists are always saying rocks don't lie. Well you just got debunked with this post! Boooyah!

Harry H. McCall said...

Or a third and a forth point: Like Enoch she walked with God and God took her or like Elijah, she rode to heaven in a chariot of fire!


Harry H. McCall said...

As a comparison, neither the body of Lethe Orr nor the body of Jesus Christ has been found…could it just be that Lethe Orr (like Jesus) is alive in Heaven as we write??

Evan said...

I'm pretty sure the Great Disappointment was on October 22, 1844.

zilch said...

C'mon, guyz, her name is Lethe. Don't you get it? Did you all drink the waters of Lethe and forget that the river Lethe is in Hades? William's wife was obviously reverse raptured.

Jeffrey Amos said...

What we really need to remember is that the people in 1924-60 were in a much better position than we are to judge if she died or not. And they clearly determined that she didn't die.

Harry H. McCall said...

Evan, the real first Great Disappointment was NOT on October 22, 1844, but in the Book of Acts when all the living who witnessed Jesus’ ascension died off and he had yet to return a promised. This is something that both Paul and the epistle of Peter had to try and deal with.

But since neither the Bible nor Jesus can lie, we need more excuses!!

Amen brother?

Anonymous said...

Clearly, she's now a vampire.

Jeff C said...

I hope the rapture hasn't already happened. I'm looking forward to getting a couple free cars.

Corky said...

Memorial stones like this are pretty common. Usually bought by the children of the first deceased parent but not used by second because of remarriage etc.

In other words, Lethe was no longer "Lethe Orr" but had changed her name to Smith or Jones or something upon remarriage.

Rest assured that she's dead and Jesus had nothing to do with it because he's dead too in spite of the rumor coming from his disciples that he had been resurrected. No one else saw it, so it's only a rumor started by the usual suspects - family & friends.

Harry H. McCall said...
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