Does Satan Know Electronics?

After I left the ministry over twenty three years ago, I worked with an experienced radio technician who, like myself and at the time, was required to hold a Federal Communication License.

Both John and I held the highest federal certification available out of the three radio telephone classes: The First Class Radio Telephone License. Very few achieved this level and it was only given after one took an extensive test in electronic theory and the math that was used in, say phasing directional towers for an AM station as well as computing impedance, reactance and resistances on antenna rays, tuning transmitters and knowing the FCC rules and regulations required to operate a commercial radio or TV station. The exams were only given at the FCC Field Offices in Charlotte, NC or Atlanta, Ga. as well as other major cities in the U.S.

John felt “lead” to use his electronic experience to help maintain Christian evangelical commercial radio stations operating in the AM and FM bands. Since John had been an electronics major at Bob Jones University, it was probably natural for him to go into missionary work in a foreign country both as an electronic tech and a preacher.

Over the years, I occasionally receive a New Letter / Prayer List via email sent out to all John’s past associates and missions supporters.

In his last news letter, John opens with electronic troubles at the stations transmitter with this assessment:

Christmas is a time when people turn their thoughts to the birth of Christ. It is a wonderful time to send out over the airwaves the truth of the Christmas story.  Satan is aware of this, and he often uses equipment trouble to try to thwart that message. It was not surprising that we had some problems this year.

I’ve notice that over the years, Satan has cut tower guy wires, used the wind to blow down antennas and has done other mischievous things to thwart the message of salvation.

Sometimes I come away form reading his News Letter wondering just where the hell God was while Satan was running amuck in Christ’s broadcast station.

The following are some basic questions for comments to this post:

Do you think it’s because neither God, Jesus nor the Holy Spirit know electronics?

Or do you think the God (via the Holy Trinity) is always “Testing” both John’s faith and the electronic equipment to see which fails first?

Or does John’s brain just have a leaky / shorted capacitor?


Jeff said...

Well, it's because electricity and technology are all from the devil, of course, so he knows how to manipulate them :)

Joe E. Holman said...

ROFL. Ah, thank you, McCall! I needed a good laugh today!

In my book, I talk about a man who was an astronomer, a very well-educated man by all standards, who believed that if a woman was pregnant and touched a snakeskin, the kid would come out with a forked tongue. He wasn't kidding!

This world's got to go!


Harry H. McCall said...

Thanks for the inputs Jeff and Joe.

I must admit, while I studied theology under God I latter studied electronics under Satan.

God got out of electronics when Emerson’s DC gave way to Westinghouse’s AC and Satan rule the airways and, as it seems now, the entire electronic world.

Since AC current flows both ways (negative and positive), God took a stand against this new bisexual electricity. He told his chosen DC current to: Come ye out from amongst the and be ye different!

Seriously, when AM radio first came out to the public back in the nineteen twenties, preachers preached against it because, when two AM station's signals beat together (heterodyned) making a harmonic whine or squeal (much like you hear with AM radio signals at night) preachers claimed you could hear demons screaming in the spirit world and warned their members not to listen to this unseen world of evil!

Anonymous said...

Hey Harry, this is the kind of superstitious thinking we must fight against. Because of thinking like this science and medicine were stopped from progressing. After all, Satan got all of the credit! ;-)

Harry H. McCall said...

John, you know it too!

Why is it that:

A. God is the creator of Satan (made him an angel and also cast him from Heaven), but is made to constantly look weaker to his faithful Christians?

B. God is all powerful in a three headed monster called the Trinity, but lets what he himself calls evil to run wild damaging his own world or his own Christian radio station (according to John of my post)?

Why is God / The Trinity is constantly loosing to a totally depraved creature he created called Satan and demons?

And to thinkthat Christians package and sell this as salvation theology?!!

Without the Book of Revelation, the New Testament would have Satan defeating God!

feeno said...

You're funny. And as a Believer I can't believe I am agreeing with you about this. When I'm at church and someones microphone has a glitch in it someone will always say "the devil doesn't want this song heard" or something to that effect. Although I know Satan exists and would be happy to mess up our sound system, we could probably avoid these problems by buying better electrical equipment.

I just can't imagine what your old BJU buddies think about you now. I am glad you keep up with their missionary efforts. Maybe you can send them a tax free donation for better equipment, that way you wont have to hear about the devil.

As far as your claim that without the book of Revelation Satan would get over on God. Look I have a hard enough time talking to Christians who went to BJU about scripture. What chance do I have in convincing you of anything using a book you think is fiction. (even tho you seem to quote much of it quite a bit) however I will try: 1st Cor. 15:20-26 tells me the Devil will get his. Plus Daniel, Ezekiel and Isaiah tell us long before Christ even showed up on the scene of Satan's demise. You can even go back to Gen 3:15 And anyways last time I checked, Revelation is still part of the Canon.

I will have to get used to your new picture. I liked your doobie brother photo much better.

Peace Out, feeno

goprairie said...

When Satan really got ahold of me, it was in biology classes and botany classes where I learned about evolution. And I am apparently somewhat possessed of some of Satan, for when I guide prairie tours, and I mention that the prairies evolved, some of those home schoolers recognize the Satan in me and march right back to report to my boss that I used that word again.

Harry H. McCall said...

Thanks for your comment freeno.

I posted that picture as me which was taken for comedian Jeff Dunham (see here) picture of his ventriloquist dummy “Walter”; a funny but fowl mouth old codger. Walter said that if he was a Wal-Mart greeter, his opening remarks to shoppers entering the store would be: “Welcome to Wal-Mat. Get your shit and get out!

I chose “Walter” since so many Christians said I was an angry person bitter at God.