Reality Check: What Must Be the Case if Christianity is True?

12) That although people around the world are raised in different cultures to believe in their particular god(s) there is only one God and he will judge all people based upon whether or not they believe Jesus is Lord.

[Christian Gerrymandering Fine Print Caveats: If non-Christian people were never given an opportunity to accept Jesus and be saved then God will judge them based on: 1) whether they would've done so if given a chance (which may include, well, billions of infidels into heaven, and would render all evangelistic and missionary work unnecessary), or 2) whether they were good people despite not becoming Christians (which may include billions more infidels, including atheists; woooo hoooo!), or 3) they could end up in a temporary purgatory that will help purify these souls for later entrance into heaven (which allows for most people to eventually be in heaven except people who are beyond any hope of purifying--know anyone like that?), or 4) God foreknew those people who would not have accepted Jesus even if given a chance so he placed them in regions of the world where they are raised to believe in other gods (i.e., William Lane Craig, no surprise here. But if God had this kind of foreknowledge then why create those people in the first place!!!!). But given the first three Fine Print Caveats, it seems clear more people will be admitted into heaven if Christians stopped all evangelistic efforts now!]


T said...

Really, that's what WLC believes? I've actually never heard that "solution" before. Very entertaining, a little disturbing too, but entertaining as well.

Anonymous said...

Toby, Yep.

shane said...

That fourth one of Craig's doesn't make much

What about everyone in North America that doesn't believe yet are living amongst believers?

Apparently we are all going to be christians again because we aren't from a Muslim or Hindu country......?

Breckmin said...

"But if God had this kind of foreknowledge then why create those people in the first place!!!!)."

This is evasive to the choices that are made by their ancestors to pro-create and the processes by which people are being born into this world.

Isolating on the imperfect concept of foreknowledge which plots an Infinite Creator on a consecutive progressive linear timeline is never a good thing.
Forgetting that people make choices and have sex which often results in babies is yet another aspect that is not being dealt with.

There is no such thing as "fair."
No equal opportunity in a universe where cognitive beings are making choices which affect each other.

5)they are judged according to their works...their choices..their decisions and there are no cosmically "good" people apart from God and Christ and pleasing the Creator and in fellowship with His Spirit. Q.E. "good" can not be isolated's not completely meaningless with respect to the unbeliever BUT it can not be rewarded without their sin being forever.

Clearly, it is more complicated than this so it is foolish for us to over simplify.

Breckmin said...

"sin being forever" should have been "sin being forgiven."

Still operating on less than 5 hours of sleep per night these last couple weeks.

Breckmin said...

12) That although people around the world are raised in different cultures to believe in their particular god(s) there is only one God and he will judge all people based upon whether or not they believe Jesus is Lord.

And although people around the world sing all kinds of songs that are about the flesh and somewhat meaningless...
there is only one type of song that bears testimony to peace and eternal love and forgiveness..just like there is only One God of incredible mercy and forgiveness who will eternally forgive of all sin (without having to work for it - because He did the work).

Praise songs all over the world that are sung with joy and peace are song to One God and One Lord Jesus Christ.

All other songs are quite different.

If you would like me to post several links like this:

I would be happy to provide the evidence of worship music.

zenmite AKA Marshall Smith said...

Breckmin, have you considered the possibility that your embracing of this whole bizarro 'christian' thing might just be due to lack of sleep over several years? I understand. I get really spaced-out and often write and talk so that I don't make much sense when I don't get enough sleep. My thinking gets all cloudy and convoluted too.

Get a good night's sleep. You'll probably wake up and wonder what the heck you were thinking with all this jesus stuff. Then when you read back over all the uhhhh....'stuff' that you've written here you'll probably have a good laugh, plus you'll see for yourself why so much of it seems like nonsense to those of us who get enough sleep. Pleasant dreams.

Steven Bently said...

I'm just wondering what a billion people will be doing in heaven?

Can you imagine so many people trying to get as close to Jesus as they possible can, I mean each person take up approx. 3 square feet, multiply that times a billion people all crowding around Jesus.

Should be miles and miles of believers as far as the eye can see, people just bowing down and praying and singing songs every day for eternity.

But god is a jealous god, and jesus would be taking the focus of the worship away from him.

God may just decide to do away with all the christians and cast them away from jesus, so jesus can live in peace and from people driveling their slobber all over on him.

Jesus would be surrounded with the desciples and Calvin, Luther, Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, Falwell, Binny Hinn, all the televangelists licking jesus' feet and kissing his well, you know.

Is there anyone in their right mind that would want billions of people worshipping them and constantly telling them how wonderful and glorious thay are?

I wouldn't want people following me around everywhere I go and begging just to touch me and telling me how wonderful I am.

Just think of the implication of fanatical worship,

Clare said...

Even if heaven was a desirable place to go, you would not remember who you were on earth anyway, as memory dies with the brain. You also would not recognise anyone forthe same reason- maybe not even Jesus, because you would not remember who he was, and you would have no idea what he looks like.

shane said...


Your whole point still does not change the fact that God allowed these people to be born who He knew would never accept Him.

God (if He exists) still allows the human race to continue, what the difference between allowing people to be created while knowing they will be damned?.......and creating them for the expressed purpose of damning them?

Also, doesn't it say in the bible that "I have formed you in thy mothers womb" indicating God does in fact create everyone?

Also what about the scripture in Jeremiah that all christians love to use-"God has a plan for your life"?

How does this fit in with your logic?

Ignerant Phool said...

"God foreknew those people who would not have accepted Jesus even if given a chance so he placed them in regions of the world where they are raised to believe in other gods".

This possibility goes against the christian idea of free will as well as Paul's idea of being without excuse in Romans 1:20. But really though, why would God create us (or bring us into existence) just to have us live a "meaningful" and "purposeful" life of/in hell for all eternity? What about the many unborn souls whom he knows would not believe in him? Will they be judged also?