Please Do Not Feed The "Trolls"

"Feeding the Trolls" is a type of Social Engineering, aka manipulation of well meaning guests. Every now and then a "troll" comes along and makes comments that are in poor taste and meant to generate responses from other commenters. We will clean up the blog after one of these events, but I request that when a troll makes a comment that it be ignored because If a troll makes one comment and it gets 2 responses, then 66% percent of the mess is caused by well meaning guests. It takes less time to only have to clean up after the troll. This is simply something we'll have to live with as long as we permit real time free and open discussions.


Anonymous said...

For people who have wondered why we have moderated comments in the past, you can see for yourselves. The trolls have forced us to do so. I received several comments while in moderation mode that said that was their goal, to force us to moderate comments until we die.

Three things: 1) I'm stubborn. No one will force me to do anything I don't want to do. 2) I don't care anymore. Let these trolls show themselves for who they really are. Let Christians see what some Christians think God wants them to do. 3) This won't last for long. As I've said for the last few months and now is even more true, we're getting really close to having the HTML to ban these and other trolls.


Piero said...

I'm sorry to say I've just replied to a troll. It won't happen again. On the other hand, I think letting Christians see what some Christians are capable of (and what their average IQ is) can have a salutary effect. By all means get the HTML to ban the trolls, but let them expose themselves a bit before doing so.

Anonymous said...

Hi Piero,
How do you know troll is a Christian?
How do you know they are not just doing it for sport?

I've long suspected that some of these trolls are not really christian at all but are just seeking attention and evidence that they are in control of something.

Piero said...

Good point. I just assumed John knew them to be Christians, as per his n°2.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they are.
But I've never seen them in church.

Nightmare said...

As you wish (I noted the cleanup earlier tonight and deleted a comment to Walton in response).

Anonymous said...

Ya know, I've never seen them in church either, come to think of it!

James said...

You know, I'm wondering if I wasn't taken in by a performance artist who's been absorbed into their persona. Sort of like when Andy Kaufman went into pro wrestling. It was so real you couldn't help but believe it.

Scary Jesus said...

Why is it that I always miss the fun? Holy crap what happened here?
a frank Walton sighting? Those are as rare as a sighting of the loch ness monster these days.

jUUggernaut said...

I noticed your little text bubble on the front page is giving mixed messages when you write one should either demand evidence from a troll or ignore it.
I'm afraid, asking for evidence is the very act of feeding a troll. It's actually feeding it treats

Anonymous said...

jUUggernaut, I understand, but when trolls accuse me of something nasty I think it would be proper to ask them for the evidence, and then let it drop. We cannot monitor comments all day long so if a troll levels a nasty accusation while we're not online that's what I'd like you to do.

ScaryJesus said...

John listen, I think you've done a terrific job with this site, You know you have people who respect you, and more importantly validate the things you think, trolls? F-em.

I agree with James, I think you have a performance artist on your hands. What I've observed, Andrew and Frank, they don't seem consistent, it seems like "imposters" and "wacky accusations" are all part of the game. I don't really know what I'm talking about but I've had one of those days where I don't know what planet I'm living on any more. I feel like the world is crumbling.

I don't even know why I'm writing this. If you want a real dose of fuckery check out the website. The idiocy is incalculable. Anyway don't let this get you down, you seem somewhat emotional as I am, but you also seem tough and stubborn. Ok I'll say it, Fuck-em.

Please prtend i didn't just post this ok?