It was a joy being there for a group that numbered a total of 18 people to begin with.
Hi there, just found your blog via a post at Democratic Underground about this event, and am really looking forward to reading more! (As a former Christian myself, I think there might be a lot here for me to learn from...)
John,just found the blog. I have to admit that I love it and I certainly appreciate your view. Along with your other authors, keep up the good work.
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It was a joy being there for a group that numbered a total of 18 people to begin with.
Hi there, just found your blog via a post at Democratic Underground about this event, and am really looking forward to reading more! (As a former Christian myself, I think there might be a lot here for me to learn from...)
just found the blog. I have to admit that I love it and I certainly appreciate your view.
Along with your other authors, keep up the good work.
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