Isn't God's Creation Wonderful? Praise Jesus!

Predation in the wild. Poisonous creatures. Parasites. Such a perfectly good God you have there. NOT!



New Family Bureau said...

The curse

Jeffrey Amos said...

Whenever a post criticizes YEC only, someone comes on here and tells us that there are many other more sophisticated ways for Christians to view the Bible.

And whenever a post criticizes mostly non-YEC views, we're told that YEC has an answer. Yes. We know.

kiwi said...

Why assuming God is perfectly good?

Host said...


Are you suggesting that either...

A. Those creatures were not originally poisonous/dangerous, but were miraculously changed after Adam bit into a piece of fruit


B. Those creatures did not exist prior to Adam biting into a piece of fruit

You need to elaborate a bit on "the curse"

New Family Bureau said...

Dear Dan the Diest,

In the beginning God created the earth as the habitat for his most beloved creation, the archangel, Lucifer. Overcome with pride, the esteemed creature led a third of the angels in a foolish rebellion against their creator. As punishment, they were banished from heaven and consigned to eternity separated from God on earth.

To add insult to injury, God then revoked Lucifer's deed on the perfect planned and gave it, instead, to his newest creation, Adam. This, of course, infuriated Lucifer who conspired to destroy Adam.

At some point in time after God created Adam's mate, Eve, Lucifer presented himself in the form of a subtle serpent and beguiled the woman to partake of the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Not only did Eve sin against God by eating the forbidden fruit, but she successfully tempted her mate, Adam, to sin as well.

God had created a perfect universe absent of death and destruction. The earth was surrounded with a canopy of vapor that distilled harmful rays while sustaining a perfect balance of methane, sulfur dioxide and other essential life-supporting components.

Now tainted with sin, God punished Adam and Eve by allowing the universe to groan until it's day of redemption (any day now, by the way). The sin nature acquired by Adam upon his fall from grace was passed on via DNA to all humanity.

This all happened in 4004 BC.

Today Lucifer, known as Satan, and his myriad of demons continue to roam about earth seeking whom they may devour. The Evil One has never ceased from his intent to dethrone the God of the universe.

Why, you may ask, would Satan be so foolish? After all, if God could be dethroned, everything - both physical and spiritual - would cease to exist; including Satan himself.

The answer is simple. Satan knows his fate. He will spend all eternity in the Lake of Fire. His only chance for escape is suicide and his only means of suicide is to dethrone God, thereby destroying himself, the Lake of
Fire and everything else.

Or, you can believe in evolution. And, as we all know, it takes more faith to believe in evolution that the Bible.

Host said...


You forgot to answer my question....

Also wouldn't a talking serpent be a little less than subtle?

NightFlight said...

Kenn: "Or, you can believe in evolution. And, as we all know, it takes more faith to believe in evolution that the Bible."

Yes its easier to believe we came from dirt + magic.

Xaraikex said...

Some theists defend their belief with the argument that a design's quality has nothing to do with the presence of design itself. However, the hypocrisy shows when they determine the presence of design based on its quality.

New Family Bureau said...

Dan the Deist,

In the words of the great 20th century American philosopher Jerome Lester Horwitz,

"Nyuk, nyuk"

New Family Bureau said...

Or, to be more specific...

12:01:01 AM - 23 October, 4004 BC

Baconsbud said...

If the world was created on 23 Oct 4004 bc, why do we celebrate the new year as beginning on 01 Jan? I know a lame question but am amzed how someone can come up with a date like some do.

busterggi said...

Kenn, do you do know that the whole story of the fall of Lucifer & the rebel angels isn't in the bible?

Its a later myth assembled from the apocrapha & Zoroastrianism.

So now that we know its not part of the 'word of god' could you please explain why you believe it?

Jeff said...

Kenn, I'm more interested in how you read your own interpretation into the Bible. You, I am assuming, would claim that diseases, "bad" bacteria, and viruses would have not been present, or somehow inert, before the Fall. If you actually look at the punishments God doles out for sin, though, we see 1) serpent forced to crawl on his belly, 2) pain in childbirth, and 3) thorns and thistles. Where exactly would you go about getting things like diseases, natural disasters, predators, parasites, etc. from those? Is that all conveniently covered in "thorns and thistles" or am I reading another Bible than you are? Because it sounds to me like you're doing a lot of adding to the Bible...

Scarecrow said...

"God had created a perfect universe absent of death and destruction. The earth was surrounded with a canopy of vapor that distilled harmful rays while sustaining a perfect balance of methane, sulfur dioxide and other essential life-supporting components.

If it was a perfect universe devoid of harmful things, why is there a need to filter harmful rays from earth? Why are the rays harmfull in a perfectly benign universe? Was the vacuum of space "harmfull" or did that come later too?

Bloviator said...

Hey Guys,

Don't you know when someone is pulling your leg? Read Kenn's other comments, okay?

New Family Bureau said...



Everyone knows the universe was created at sundown the day before 23 October, 4004 BC

How did sundown work three days before the sun was created?

Google Annales veteris testamenti, a prima mundi origine deducti posse comitatus, by James Ussher.

New Family Bureau said...


Clearly the evidence of Satan and his minions are apparent to the most casual observer.

If you care to experience the almighty powers of darkness, you may do so by applying one of the following tests:

1. Lock youself in your baffroom with lights out, candle lit and door locked. Turn six time saying "I summon the spirit of Bloody Mary" on each turn. A demonic pressence will appear as the evil queen in your mirror. The experience will also cure consitpation which is why you do it in the baffroom.

2. Call 1-800-624-9896 and ask for Dell tech support.

Raul said...

Please dont feed the troll

Jeff said...

Lol Bloviator, I guess you're right. Poe's Law strikes again...

New Family Bureau said...

Oooooops, sorry.

Thought you'd get the satire.


NightFlight said...

Poe's Law proven again!

Anonymous said...

And how exactly does it take more " faith " to believe in evolution. The evidence is there in the fossil record. Plus carbon dating shows the world is way older than 6,000 years! More to the point putting aside the debate of a god or no god, let us assume you are right and there is a God, why would you choose to believe in an unjust God. If God allows evil because he wants humans to " freely " choose him, ie free will, and to worship him doesn't this seem like a pathetic human trait - the need to be worshipped? I personally refuse to believe in any " God " that would allow such evil and suffering just to endulge his ego! If there is such a God you can have him all to yourself.