Proof Positive that ONLY Christians Can Have Morals and Ethics!

Time and time again we atheists at DC are sternly informed that, without God, we atheists have no base at all for morals and ethics which can ONLY come from God alone.

Well, as they say: “The Devil is in the Details!”

Police Arrest Pastor for Allegedly Setting Fire to His Own Church
Church Previously Vandalized On Several Occasions

Anderson, SC
Monday afternoon, Rev. Christopher Daniels, who is from Belton, was charged with second-degree arson. His bond was set at $25,000.
The State Law Enforcement Division has joined the Anderson County Sheriff's Office in the investigation.
In recent months, there have been incidents of graffiti and vandalism in the church that are still under investigation.
Investigators said Blue Ridge Baptist was targeted by vandals four times at the end of 2008.
In mid-December, gang symbols and hate-filled messages were left in the church's Sunday school building.
Earlier that month, the same thing was done to the classrooms downstairs.
Rev. Daniels is being investigated by the State Law Enforcement Division also as a suspect in the earlier vandalisms which caused over $20,000 worth of damage to the chruch.


eheffa said...

Ahhh, but he couldn't have been a REAL Christian.

Some people get real close but the redeeming power of the blood just misses them. (Tongue firmly in cheek.)


New Family Bureau said...

Ought vs naught


CS Lewis converted to Christianity after realizing "oughtness" (I call it "oughtism"); that humans innately possess a sense of morality that could only come from God.


Oughtness is contradicted by "naughtness." It's that notion you mention in your post that, without a faith in God, we have no moral directives and digress to an state of Machiavelian amorality.

Both can't be true.

IdahoEv said...

What the heck was this guy's motive?

Insurance fraud?

Convincing others of how badly his church was persecuted?

Truth Be Told said...

Wow! This blog never ceases to amaze me in how intelligent, well-informed, and unbias the bloggers are!

Oh and Harry, while you're out there making your stupid poking at the "Moral Argument" you might also want to acknowledge what has occured within the recent week:

You guys need to come up with better material. These arguments are so incredibly one-sided and pitiful that dog feces could come up with better smelling trite than this.

From your not-so-average non-Christian TWebber,

- Truth Be Told

Harry H. McCall said...

Truth be Told:

Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?

If you were to died tonight, do you know where you would spend eternity?

I would like to minister to your spiritual needs and help you let Christ over come your spiritual bitterness. (Only Jesus can replace your bitter heart with a heart full of truth and love.)

Won’t you ask Jesus into you heart today?

God bless you my friend as you cast off Satan for the truth.

Truth Be Told said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Truth Be Told said...

Mr. McCall,

I suppose you think that I wouldn't pick up on that implications of your sarcasm by you assuming that I am some sort of Christian in diguise claiming not to be one? Either that, or you skimmed through my previous comment and made some generalizing response.

But in case it's neither, I'm not a Christian. You could probably Google me up and find that out for yourself. I've mentioned it a bunch of times before, both on and off TWeb.

New Family Bureau said...

I vaguely remember something John wrote about feeding trolls.

☺ ☺ ☺

This one of a few atheist sites I've found that is worth reviewing.

Truth Be Told said...

I vaguely remember something John wrote about feeding trolls.

So this must be the only response I get for raising some issues that should be addressed here?

No one here can consider me a troll until I've brought up something that doesn't contribute or ask something of the authors. In which case, I've presented the fact that McCall's argument isn't going to stand up because there are numerous incidents of recent church shootings all from community outsiders. So, if McCall wants to play the Moral argument the atheist way, he needs to justify this position just as would a Christian fundamentalist.

I guess you could say I am a troll based solely on the observation that most of you here are running on low-wattage.

Unknown said...

"incidents of recent church shootings all from community outsiders."

Nobody said that there weren't crimes committed by non-church members (who knows, these other crimes might have been committed by Christians from other churches). We're just saying that if Christians are all moral, then they shouldn't be committing ANY crimes.

Truth Be Told said...

Nobody said that there weren't crimes committed by non-church members (who knows, these other crimes might have been committed by Christians from other churches). We're just saying that if Christians are all moral, then they shouldn't be committing ANY crimes.

Honestly, isn't that sort of belief held only by the most extreme of fundamentalists?

But that isn't my argument, so allow me to explain myself better. I would contend that most mainstream Christians believe that God is the source of morals, not the justification. My point is that to make this argument is to work on generalizations, which never helps the situation when it comes between Christians and atheists.

Harry H. McCall said...

Truth Be Told syas: But in case it's neither, I'm not a Christian.

As an atheist, I’m not a Christian either, but I can still witness to you.

Fact is, whether it’s this preacher (Rev. Chris Daniels) who burned his own church, or thousands of other ordained ministers in the ministry today, many are atheists who still minister to people. (If one could pull a switch and kill all the Christian atheists pastors, we would a server shortage.)

So just why can’t I witness the love of Jesus to your bitter heart since atheistic preachers do it all the time?

Fact is, Truth Be Told, there are only two kinds of pastors: Those who are honest and are “Closet Atheist” and those who are in a constant state of denial or, to put it another way, preachers who know that the Bible is myth and preachers who hopes it’s not.

Rev. Daniels who burned and damaged his church had a lot of emotional anger and spiritual turmoil and this is why he probably did what he did. If he would only have confessed his atheism to Jesus, he would have found that Jesus loves atheists (If you disagree, please quote me chapter and verse where Jesus says he hates atheists).

Truth Be Told are you as angry as Rev. Chris Daniels? Do you feel a need to lash out at me as I try to minister to you?

I have made my peace as an atheist with Jesus and I know in my heart he is very pleased with my honestly.

But what about you, Truth Be Told?
Tell me your relationship with Jesus. Confession is good for the heart.

As for as me being sarcastic in my first comment to you, I can assure you I can truthfully answer all those questions knowing full well than Jesus loves and accepts me as an atheist.

So, what about you, Truth Be Told? Would you be willing to share with us here at DC?

Truth Be Told said...

I....don't know what to say about all of this. Hopefully Loftus approves of what you're talking about.

I would perhaps better understand the question if I know what it was pertaining too, other than my relationship with Jesus, which is fairly nonexistent right now.

Anonymous said...

Truthbetold, don't be an asshole if you expect to comment here at DC. We ban assholes here at DC, unlike the sewer forum out of which you crawled.