Professor James McGrath: "Preach Your Doubts"

This is an excellent post by Dr. James McGrath advising preachers to preach their doubts.

If the church won't let people express their doubts then they must do so alone by searching the internet. And some of them just might fall into my claws. ;-)

Alone I came to deny my faith. I could not express my doubts in the church.

Although his advice is healthy, no one can say that by expressing one's doubts openly it will be more conducive to resolving one's doubts. It might actually produce more doubt among church people who hear these doubts expressed. Maybe it might be better to shut up about one's doubts in the church. But that's no longer a question I have to deal with.


bpabbott said...

If aspects of an individual's faith cannot survive questions (doubt) and a reasoned pursuit of answers, then it not deserving of further consideration.

Sabio Lantz said...

Is it me? Or has Prof. McGrath gone soft. He seems way more outside of Christianity than he was a year ago? He is a great voice.