My First Debate on the Problem of Suffering

Six years ago I was sort of browbeaten into debating a handicapped Walmart clerk named Nick, whom I didn't want to beat up on. The proposition to be resolved was this one: The amount of human suffering in the natural world is incompatible with a kind, caring, omnipotent father/creator God. I've since become sort of an an expert on this issue. But in preparing for that debate I saw how powerful the case against God from suffering was. I'm Doubting John. What d'ya think?. If you've read my book (which will be available again mid-October) then you have my most developed thinking on this issue, which I gained later in preparation for a debate on the same issue with Dr. David Wood. The debate with Dr. Wood can be viewed here.


District Supt. Harvey Burnett said...


What the nefarious satan is this?:

"browbeaten into debating a handicapped Walmart clerk named Nick,

My God low can you go!!!-LOL!LOL!LOL!LOL!