Another One Leaves the Fold, Marcus Goodwin

DC DOES make a difference! Link.


C.T. Gilliland said...


Posting a link to the deconversion story of a 16 year old kid is no credit to your blog, atheism, or reason. This is an exploitation of a young kid's emotional and hormonal struggle with a girl. A new low.

Anonymous said...

Marcus emailed me and I linked to his blog. What is the problem Conor? After all, parents brainwash their kids all of the time. It's nice to know these kids can think for themselves.

Steve said...


Marcus describes significant intellectual effort in coming to his decision.

Conor condescendingly puts it completely down to emotions and hormones.

That = low.

Gandolf said...

No Coner Gilliland,maybe its actually more of the OLD LOW that folks like you it seems would still much rather it be continued to be kept hidden and out of public view.

So sad and disgusting.That some would rather kids be kept silent.

Bit of the old children should be seen and not heard, rubbish of dark age times.

Anonymous said...

Nice Conor...

16 year old kid?

That's the kind of attitude that makes me detest the church I attended. Dismissing people over their age.

He didn't exploit me in any way. He deserves a slice of acknowledgment for his efforts. I think I also made it clear that other sources helped me in my deconversion.

He helped me connect with the community also, which is something that I appreciate.

Anonymous said...

I was emotionally led into christianity by unscrupulous christians at age 7. And some think leading someone rationally out of christianity at age 16 is a problem?