Can We Compare Santa Claus and Jesus?

In perhaps one respect for sure...


Questeruk said...

There is a big difference.

Parents that tell children about Santa Claus KNOW that they are lying.

Christains that tell children about Jesus BELIEVE that they are telling the truth.

James F. McGrath said...

It seems both our minds were on Santa today.

Unknown said...

Santa is real! He gave me presents! I sat on his lap!

It's Jesus I don't believe in.

Gandolf said...

Questeruk i agree with you the difference is in how very differently they are promoted.And that very big difference is what partly causes the difference between Santa Claus who dont really often cause much trouble or hurt many folks so much.
And Jesus/gods/faith/superstition who do often cause much trouble and hurt folks.

The difference lays in that truth/honesty bit,the difference in people promoting it as being honest truth or honestly being myth/culture/history etc.

Should humans ever really expect much long term good to ever likely be seen to come from matters of deceit though? ..How often do we humans really benefit longterm from any matters of deceit in our lives?

One day when folks finally come to their senses faith/gods will be more thought of and promoted like Santa . A myth..Part of our culture and maybe a bit of fun ..A reason for folks to have connection to gather together and sing ancient cultural songs.Songs that often make the hairs on the back of yer neck stand up!, often sounding a lot like someone must be either standing on the cats tail, or else a mournfully sad howling blizzard just blown in.

vjack said...

I love it! Just imagine how people would respond to an adult who still believed in Santa. That is precisely how we all should respond to those who think that they have a personal relationship with a dead guy who may or may not have ever lived.

Tristan Vick said...

The polemic serves the purpose of revealing the logic errors. Flying spaghetti monsters, celestial teapots, and Santa all do a great deal to show that where evidence is lacking "belief" isn't enough to validate a claim.

It may be polemic, but it's harmless, and it does a great deal of consciousness raising too. Totally necessary.

Manifesting Mini Me (MMM) said...

The thing is, we couldn't be entrusted with Jesus, so what makes you think we can handle an innocent like Santa? We would probably commercialize, idolize and exploit him for greeds' sake and crucify...oh...guess that's already been done. Well, there may be some who could be trusted with both Santa and Jesus - who do not corrupt.