Democratic Loving People, We Need Your Vote at Fox News

Vote on whether an atheist councilman in N. Carolina should step down.
Asheville City Councilman Cecil Bothwell doesn't believe in God, and his political opponents are taking aim, citing a little-noticed 140-year-old quirk in North Carolina's Constitution that disqualifies officeholders "who shall deny the being of Almighty God." Should Bothwell be required to step aside until the issue is resolved either by the state legislature or the courts?
Vote Here. *Ahem* You know which way I think democratic loving people should vote.

HT: Friendly Atheist


Anonymous said...

I'm a tarheel and voted in the poll to let him serve. Thanks for bringing this to people's attention.

busterggi said...

Looks as though democracy is winning.

Wonder when Faux will 'lose' the results or ten thousand dissenting votes will mysterious show up. Because they won't accept the present results.

The Big Blue Frog said...

So far, people in favor of him keeping his seat are in the majority. This means the poll will never be televised on Fox.

Damien Hollon said...

This is laughable. He shouldn't step down, not only because it's wrong to do so, but because the law that "requires" him to isn't enforceable. His detractors should feel silly using it against him. The law is unconstitutional and would never be upheld in court. Ever.