My Favorite Christmas Song

When I hear this song by Bruce Springsteen I think of my sweetheart wife Gwen. She's wonderful. She's my best supporter and my best friend. There are some Christian people who can boast about being married for 30-50 years or more. But they aren't happy in a loveless relationship. They're just fulfilling a commitment made when they were around 20 years old or so. To everyone at this season I wish you all the love I've found. If men my age only knew her the way I do I'd have to literally fight them off.


tom said...

"There are some Christian people who can boast about being married for 30-50 years or more. But they aren't happy in a loveless relationship. "

Wow, that's really cheap. It's unfortunate that a post about your marriage needs to serve as occasion for a swipe like that. It's also nonsense: happy marriages and stale loveless marriages don't map onto nonbelievers and Christians, respectively. Mostly, though, it's just kind of sad though that you felt the need to write that.

Unknown said...

That was a very nice thing to say about your wife. I'm sure that you are both lucky/fortunate. Happy 25th.


steph said...

yes - although never having been a believer, I agree with tom - I also think that was regrettably bad taste. And it could have been a lovely post about your wife. Instead it's another post pouring hatred on Christianity.

Unknown said...

I was also shocked by this.

I think John is complaining about the people who use their "successful" long marriages as an advertisement for their religion. Having recently read John's book, I see that John has experienced such hypocrites at closer quarters than many of us, and probably knows many such people well. Nevertheless it is an appalling generalisation and should be modified.

tom said...

"I think John is complaining about the people who use their "successful" long marriages as an advertisement for their religion."

I think that's probably true; John's mind was likely focused on a context in which defensiveness would be appropriate, and he included a defensive cheap shot without providing the context here. It's possible that the spirit of the remark was not about generalization at all, but about a specific person.

John, if that's true, you should know that in its current form, the post comes across as petty and hateful.

Roger said...

Oh I can take it a step farther.I personally know many preachers that decided to end their own long term stale marriages.It came as a big price,believe me.