A New Book I'm Working On: The End of Christianity

To see the website I just made for it click here.


Unknown said...

You are aware that there is a Christian apologist book by William Dembski that came out this year with the identical title, right?

Anonymous said...

Yepper, I've read it.

Qohelet said...

Interesting list of authors. I recognize all but "Jaco Gericke" (BTW, Pretoris ought to be Pretoria). Can you recommend any of his/her earlier works, or perhaps a blog (if s/he has one)? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Jaco Gericke is the author of "Does Yahweh Exist? A Philosophical-Critical Reconstruction of the
Case Against Realism in Old Testament Theology." [2004] OTE 17(1): 30-57.

_______ 2005. YHWH Unlimited: Realist and Non-Realist Perspectives on Theo-
Mythology in the Old Testament. ZAR 11, 1-22.

Anonymous said...

What a list! Intellectual powerhouses all around! Now I'm really excited, I really like your line 'providing the intellectual underpinnings of the new atheism movement', that IS your niche, John. Ricky Carrier talked about this in his lecture with PZ, it's about using your skill set to fit in with what is needed to move the movement foward. And your 'skill set' is sorely needed, no one has tackled the big intellectuals as you have. Atheism FTW!