No Movement in Today's World Can Make a Difference Without Women, So Here's to Them ALL

Jen McCreight has complied a large list of awesome female atheists. Kudos to them and many thanks for all their efforts in our fight against superstition, pseudoscience, and ignorance. We need them! Let me rather say it this way: I'm glad to join with them in this common cause. So far her list includes:
Maggie Ardiente - Development Director at the American Humanist Association
Attemps at Rational Behavior - Blogger
Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Author, woman's right activist
Natalie Angier - Author
Ophelia Benson - Author of Does God Hate Women?, editor of Butterflies and Wheels
Susan Blackmore - Author
Lori Lipman Brown - Founding director of Secular Coalition for America
Leslie Cannold - Writer and ethicist
Jane Caro - Author and journalist
Maia Caron - Blogger
GodlessGirl - Blogger
Greta Christina - Blogger, focusing on atheism, sex, and homosexuality, and politics
Catherine Deveny - Author and comedian
Margaret Downey - Activist, former President of Atheist Alliance International
Annie Laurie Gaylor - Co-founder of the Freedom From Religion Foundation
Laci Green - Videoblogger
Kathy Griffin - Hilarious comedian
GrrlScientist - Blogger: Living the Scientific Life
Amanda Gulledge - Blogger
Miranda Celeste Hale - Blogger: Exquisite With Love
Tracie Harris - Rotating co-host of the Atheist Experience show
Leah Elliott Hauge - Blogger: The Whore of All the Earth
Jennifer Michael Hecht - Author
Diana Hsieh - Blogger and Rationally Selfish podcaster
Sikivu Hutchinson -Blogger, focusing on atheism, religion, and race issues
Angie Jackson - Videoblogger and Blogger: Angie the Anti-Theist
Susan Jacoby - Author, reporter, and director of New York's Center for Inquiry
Ellen Johnson - Atheist activist, former president of American Atheists
Paula Kirby - Author
Wendy Kaminer - Author, Secular Coalition for America Advisory Board Member
"KimDonesia" - Videoblogger and Blogger
Nica Lalli - Author
Laura - Blogger: The Redheaded Skeptic
Tanya Levin - Author
Lyz Liddell - Campus organizer for the Secular Student Alliance
Heather MacDonald - Blogger: Secular Right
Amanda Marcotte - Blogger: Pandagon
Annie Margis - Blogger: Godishness
June Maxwell - Director of Humanist Academy at Glasgow
Jennifer McCreight - Blogger: Blag Hag
Melissa McEwan - Blogger: Shakesville
Sheila McLean - Writer and law & ethics researcher
Adele Mercer - Writer and philosopher
Amanda Metskas - Head of Camp Quest
Maggie Miller - Actress and writer
Monica - Blogger: Monicks: Unleashed
Jen Myers - Skepchick and Blogger: Deliberatepixel
Maryam Namazie - Activist, Blogger
Taslima Nasrin - Writer, human rights activist
Jennifer Ouellette - Author and Blogger: The X-Change Files
Christine Overall - Writer and philosopher
Negative Entropy - Bloggers
Sumitra Padmanabhan - Secretary of the Humanists' Association of India
Ashley Paramore - Videoblogger, better known as "healthyaddict"
Jen Peeples- Rotating co-host of the Atheist Experience show
Carolyn Porco - Planetary scientist and public speaker
Possummomma - Blogger: Atheist in a Mini Van
Sue-Ann Post - Comedian and Writer
Jill Psmith - Blogger: I Blame the Patriarchy
Laura Purdy - Writer and philosopher
Cristina Rad (ZOMGitsCriss) - Wonderfully sarcastic videoblogger
"Surly" Amy Davis Roth - Creator of awesome skeptical jewelery, and new Skepchick
Acharya S - Blogger: Truth Be Known News, author
SC - Blogger: Salty Current
Desiree Schell - Host of Skeptically Speaking
Eugenie Scott - executive director of the National Center for Science Education,
Kylyssa Shay - Blogger: That Atheist Bitch
Ariane Sherine - Creator of the Atheist Bus Campaign
Signy - Ex-Muslim Blogger: Here in Glitnir
The Skepchicks - Awesome group of bloggers
Abby Smith - Blogger: ERV
Joan Smith - Author
Kylie Sturgess - Blogger: PodBlack Cat; reporter for Skeptic Zone and host of Token Skeptic podcasts
Wafa Sultan - Outspoken critic of Islam
Julia Sweeney - Comedian, on Showtime with her act Letting Go of God
Swoopy - Host of Skepticality podcast
Valerie Tarico - Author and Blogger at the Huffington Post
Sunsara Taylor - Blogger
Polly Toynbee - Journalist
Rebecca Watson - Skepchick
Marlene Winell - Author

I tip my hat to each and every one of them along with the many others behind the scenes, including one not mentioned but should be: Reba Boyd Wooden, Executive Director for CFI Indiana, whom I've had the pleasure of working with.

And there's still another woman who doesn't make a presence on the web but she is my main supporter and encourager, my wife Gwen, whom I love with all I've got inside me.


Leah said...

We tip our hats to you, too, John! Thanks for sharing the link!

Piratefish said...

Thanks John, kudos to them all! There are quite a few I don't know, but for the ones I do know, there's one I do have some reservations, that's Acharya S(just my own personal opinion) :P.

Unknown said...

I would to also add Toni Van Pelt who is Vice President and Public Policy Director for Center for Inquiry and Lauren Becker who is Vice President for Outreach for Center for Inquiry. Melody Hensley, Executive Director of CFI DC and Clare Weullner, Executive Director of CFI Austin could also be added.

Brian_E said...

No Kelly O'Connor, formerly of the Rational Response Squad? I guarantee she's got the best rack out of any of the other female atheists on the list. Ms. McCreight clearly does not have her priorities straight when it comes to determining the critical factors in a female atheist!

j/k, kinda