A Personal Note to My Readers: I’m Both Humbled and Excited!

I remember years ago having writer’s block on several occasions when I had to write my weekly Monday column for our church paper, or when preparing a sermon, or a series of sermons. Now I write something almost once a day here at DC. I have so much to say, although, after four years on this Blog I tend to repeat myself. Still, since I gain new readers every week, some things must be said repeatedly.

I just want to take the time to thank my readers. I don’t know how many people subscribe by the various feeds there are (and would be interested if someone can find this out) but as of today there are 217 followers. And the educational level of my readers seems to be high, which includes 60 doctoral level and 105 master’s level readers that visited in a six day period. On the Biblioblogger list that the prestigious Society of Biblical Literature recognizes, DC is presently ranked in 2nd place in hits, while on an atheist listing DC is presently ranked 4th. This is all very humbling to me when you consider all of the other fine Blogs out there.

I never started out to do what I’m doing. I backed into it. But here I am and it looks like I’m here to stay, at least, as long as I can. An impending financial crisis is upon me big time. I’m having trouble with why our congress bailed out the big time losers when the little mom and pop people like my wife and I are left holding the bag. And I don’t know how my health will hold up, but I’m doing fine so far. Both my father and grandfather died when they were each 58 years old. I’m 55.

But I am excited to know that I am making a difference, one person at a time. That’s all anyone can ask for in life, to leave it a better place. And why not? I have loved ones I care for who will out-live me.

In any case I just want to thank each and every person who reads and/or comments on what I write. It means a lot to me personally. It also means a great deal to me that people send me encouraging emails, books, links, and/or who donate from time to time. I wish I could turn what I’m doing into a sort of paid “ministry” of some type (if you know what I mean). There are so many ministers and apologists who are paid to defend the faith. There are so few skeptics who can say the same thing. There are a lot of wealthy skeptics out there, some are rich. I could only hope some of them would think about clicking on the "Subscribe" button to donate on a monthly basis to help me do what I’m doing on a daily basis, just like many ministers who don't need an outside job. Just think to yourself, what if John has to get two jobs to support himself and rarely, if ever, Blogs again? What then? It could happen this year. The only reason it hasn’t happened yet is because of your kind donations. A big thanks to everyone who has encouraged me in whatever way you could.

Here’s to a great year! I'm very excited about the prospects of changing the religious landscape in 2010. I'm excited about my upcoming speaking engagements, including debates with Dinesh D'Souza and David Wood. I'm especially excited about the edited volume I've been working on for several months called The Christian Delusion. You'll want to pre-order that book. It is really really good! And on Amazon the price is right. I never dreamed that this would be happening in such a short time with me. I just had something I wanted to say. Who knows what the future will bring, but if you will "partner" with me then great things are ahead. And I'm excited because I think you will.

Cheers and thanks so much!


mud_rake said...

John- I am happy that I found a blog like this because it energizes me when I get frustrated fighting the fundamentalists and their World of Delusion propaganda. Keep pouring out the 'good news' onto our souls.

Richard said...

Glad to hear it. I feel like this is going to be a great year for atheism, and it's going to be great to see your new books.

As far as subscribers, you have 750 through Google Reader alone. If you want a total for RSS you should be able to add an in-line image to one of your posts and see how many unique downloads it gets.

I tried to add you on Atheist Nexus, but no luck. You should really make an account there :).

Keep up the good work. It's great that our side has someone who's really equipped to deal with the apologists.

Adrian said...


Hearty congratulations, I bet your subscribers outnumber your followers by a large margin.

If you want real figures, check out feedburner.google.com, it will give you detailed stats on your subscribers, both as a current snapshot but also present charts over time. With that and Google Analytics, you can see what people are reading, where they come from, how they access your site and how long they stay. Two essential tools for any blogger.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I'm taking you up on your suggestions. I'm now on Atheist Nexus and I subscribed to Google Analytics. I'm having some trouble with feedburner, but we'll see..

urbster1 said...

Hi John,
I have been reading this blog for a few months now and am really looking forward to The Christian Delusion!

This link should explain how to replace the current RSS feed with FeedBurner if you're not already using it: http://googlesystem.blogspot.com/2007/07/redirect-your-blogger-feed-to.html

I've used FeedBurner and sometimes it is kind of wonky... good luck.

Piratefish said...

Oh no trouble John, your stuff is good, that's why people come. You can continue putting up good stuff here or you can put porn, I'll show up for either one. :D


christophermencken said...

John, you're writing great stuff at the right time. Boy, it can seem a dismal swamp of superstition out there around us, but your blog is an island of critical thinking.

Congratulations and thank you on all your work.