I just got the book in the mail. I ordered it through your "link" (along with some other stuff from Amazon.com) so hopefully you see some extra $$$. Looking forward to reading it.
If I'm looking for answers on whether I can sell my daughter as a slave, how to treat my slaves, or various questions on a respectable "bride-price" I'll make sure to reference "your" book.
Its great to see your book on top in Britain. It’s a good honest story and nice material for thought.
"Congrats" John. I'm working my way through it right now and am enjoying it so much. It is an inspiration to me, thanks so much.
I gave my first edition away to a street preacher.
Talking to him later he refused to address the challenges at all but decided that John became an atheist because he had "personal issues".
and because he didn't know the answers to his questions...OR "the" answers to such questions...which are no where to be foudn in his book. Q.E.
I just got the book in the mail. I ordered it through your "link" (along with some other stuff from Amazon.com) so hopefully you see some extra $$$. Looking forward to reading it.
If I'm looking for answers on whether I can sell my daughter as a slave, how to treat my slaves, or various questions on a respectable "bride-price" I'll make sure to reference "your" book.
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