Notes of Interest About "The Christian Delusion" Book

Luke from Common Sense Atheism was interviewed on Inside the Atheist Studio, and toward the last fifth of it said some nice things about The Christian Delusion. He also interviewed me about my book for his podcast Conversations From the Pale Blue Dot which should appear sometime soon. Lastly, Jason Berggren criticizes this book without first reading it. That's interesting to me. I wonder if his tune will change after doing so?


mojo.rhythm said...

As soon as I can collate some cash I am so getting this book. It sounds epic!

Raul said...

"For example, it attacks the resurrection of Jesus as a ridiculous myth"
Well,isn't that horrible...

Chuck said...


I just posted my five star review at Amazon and at my blog.

You can read the review here:

Loved the book. Thanks for your hard work.