Reality Check: What Must Be the Case if Christianity is True?

10) That an omniscient God could not foresee that his revealed will in the Bible would lead believers to commit such atrocities against others that reasonable people would conclude there is no divine mind behind the Bible. I call this The Problem of Miscommunication.


Breckmin said...

10)That an omniscient God would know that Christians who have volition and the ability to make bad choices because of the ball and chain of their inherited sin nature would sometimes be blind to the things of God and commit evil and need to be forgiven.

That this behavior is different/independent from the Law of the prophets or the communication of His Word through apostles.

That people should look to Jesus and HIS behavior rather than to sinful men who indeed need to be forgiven.

Question everything.

Anonymous said...

Breckman I've seen your comments here and you act as if you have all of the answers. You are an answer man. You do not question everything. You are either blind or a hypocrite if you think you do.

Bronxboy47 said...

John W,

You simply don't understand. Your view is far too narrow, don't you know. Breckmin has repeatedly informed us that his grasp of the subject at hand is comprehensive, whereas the rest of us are either incapable of grasping the larger picture or actively resisting it out of sheer cussedness.

I might be able to profit from Breckmin's superior grasp of spiritual verities if only he'd learn to write coherently. I swear, plowing through his confused prose gives me a migraine.

GearHedEd said...


"No, no. It's SPELT Raymond Luxury-Yacht, but it's pronounced 'Throat-Warbler Mangrove..."