The Plight of Women Under Religion and Their Courage

Just watch what man made religion does to women and their courage in the face of this adversity! My hat's off to them. Such courage! I wish we were all that courageous. Just watch this CBS report, and then this closing segment.


Papalinton said...

And don't think any of the other faiths have a track record any better than Islam. The one difference that the christianities can be thankful for is that they have largely had to operate within secular communities, which in some circumstances has been a moderating brake to the extremes that theism can so easily fall into. Any reading of the bible shows just how close its ugly side lurks within its pages which, at the moment, would not be construed to be in the best interests of the religious-minded, but would be trotted out at a moment's notice without compunction if it was to serve theistic interests in control of communities. How telling it is that this is the current situation in Afghanistan; the Taliban just waiting to condemn these girls to misery as soon as they can.
The catholic church, simply by its very raison d'etre, is a disagreeable and mean-spirited institution against women. And the fundamentalist protestant institutions are largely on a par.

Papalinton said...

There is no equity in the catholic church. Women KNOW their place as set down in dogma.


trae norsworthy said...

christianity offered women almost unprecedented status and respect in the ancient world. throughout history, christians have fought for women's rights precisely because of their beliefs, not because of any secular ideal on the matter

Derek said...

Perhaps trae should read up on the suffrage movement. Largely composed of freethinking women and roundly opposed by churches as being against gods order.

Papalinton said...

Hi Trae Norsworthy

You have to be kidding right?

Here are a couple pulled from the bible:

Gen. 3:17— Then to Adam he said, "Because you have listened to the voice of your wife … "

Deut. 13:6— If … the wife you cherish … entice you secretly, saying, "Let us go and serve other gods … "

Job 2:10— He said to her, "You speak as one of the foolish women speaks … "

Prov. 9:13— The woman of folly is boisterous; she is naïve, and she knows nothing.

2 Tim. 3:6— … captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses.

The Bible definitely presents women as inferior to men, or as Peter terms it, "the weaker vessel" (1 Peter 3:7). The woman is thought to be more easily deceived (1 Tim. 2:14) and thus not worthy of the leadership role in the Church (1 Tim. 3:1-2). The woman was created "for" the man (1 Cor. 11:8-9) and she is not to usurp his authority (1 Tim. 2:12). She is to be subject to her husband in everything (Eph. 5:24).

In the Old Testament, it is even worse. The woman is considered to be the property of her father or husband (Exod. 20:17; 21:7). She has no rights. She cannot divorce her husband. If she is raped and does not cry out loud enough, it is her fault (Deut. 22:24).

This is the result of a cursory glance at that tome.
There has been a good deal of harm done to women in the name of god. Rationalising the sexist treatment of women as an expression of god's ineffable will only compounds and propagates theological bias against women. This is without doubt a testament to the systematic degradation and debasement of women throughout the history of the Abrahamic faiths.

Any apologetic that says otherwise is downright specious.