Heads Must Roll Before Islam is Integrated Into the Global Community

People have performed symbolic acts to protest ideas and policies for as long as anyone can remember or document. The prophet Isaiah walked though the streets naked (chapter 20). Lady Godiva rode through the streets naked. Then there was the Boston Tea Party. People have burned national flags and effigies of people in protest. And they have burned books for the same reasons. It's just what we do. And it is legal to do. In the past, churches have burned different Bible translations and they still do today. So what's all the fuss about some dumb preacher named Terry Jones who wants to burn the Koran?

People are predicting that heads will roll at the hands of Muslims if he goes ahead with his plans, that's what all the fuss is about. Because these Muslims are utterly ignorant that this pastor does not speak for all Americans we must all condemn such an action in hopes they will get the message in case he goes through with his plans. Then hopefully they will not kill people because of his actions. And so I too condemn his plans. Perhaps these Muslims simply don't understand the concept of religious and political freedom, so if we allow him to do this we must condone it!?

But let's put this into perspective. When a Danish newspaper printed cartoons of Mohammad, people were killed by Muslims as a result. Does it follow they should never have been printed? I'm definitely not in favor of book burning because of what it's associated with, the censorship of the historic church and of Hitler's Fascism. And I do understand perfectly well that if I had loved ones in Islamic countries I would not want some buffoon preacher to put their lives at risk.

But what I'm saying is that before Muslims in certain parts of the globe can be integrated into the global world community then heads must roll. It's inevitable. It's taking place already. It will continue to do so. If we want to see this extreme kind of Muslim faith end we must have the personal and political will to stand up to them even if it means heads will roll. There seems to be no other way. That's what it took to civilize the church in the West.

Which heads are going to roll is the only question.


Mark Plus said...

I want to see the Muslim faith go away altogether, just as I'd like to see the coming "Jesus who?" era. Paraphrasing H.G. Wells, religionists "who cannot live happily and freely in the world without spoiling the lives of others are better out of it." Think about that the next time you have to endure all the humiliations of passing through airport security.

Dan DeMura said...

It is a very sticky situation...

On the one hand, Pastor Jones has every right to do what he wants and I support that. Not that book burnings are the "best" idea, but he himself made the point that just because we don't agree with him doesn't mean people should be killed because of his actions... and that I agree with. There is definitely something wrong with Radical Islam and the world does need to wake up to that fact.

Now having said all that I too condemn his plans because he has even admitted that he is going beyond his freedom of speech and is actually intending to provoke... how stupid is it that we end up in a bloody "holy war" because of the actions of some stupid Pastor in Florida who himself believes in talking donkeys.

Angie Van De Merwe said...

I am really afraid that with our national debt, the heads that will roll are those that believe in liberal democracy. And we will become the slaves of those that believe in such tribalistic understandings, OR we will become prey to the empowered, where choice will not be valued...all for the "greater good", but "the greater good" is defined differently by these two views.

Whenever someone really believes in a worldview that isn't tolerant because of "God", then we are "doomed" before we begin. But, this is also the case with scientific materialism.

Anonymous said...

Everyone tries very desperately to ignore the fact that we are involved in a religious war, a holy war. It is Islam against everyone else (at themselves at times). They demand that they be treated with the utmost in deference and courtesy and yet refuse to extend that to others. So when freedoms are exercised in countries that allow it they riot and murder across the globe. And we react by telling people NOT to exercise their freedom for fear of violence. We have become cowards and it disgusts me.

Dan DeMura said...

Ahhh Tim... to use a saying of ancient wisdom from my former life... we must at times be "wise as serpents, yet harmless as doves"

The irony is I'll bet you that the Koran has already been burned in America and will most likely be burned again maybe even Saturday, some are concerned of copy cat Jones, I guess there's another pastor in Tenn.

The problem was this guy created a provocation with the event and the media made it into a spectacle.

To look at the positive perhaps the event did bring some greater awareness of the real dangers of Radical Islam to the American population... without bloodshed.

Gandolf said...

John and Dan i think i agree with what both of you say.

I think radical Islam really sucks as does radical Christianity or even radical gangs for that matter.And radical atheists like me maybe sometimes could become a bit of a worry. :(

We all live in a world and want our freedoms and rights.Strangly enough though one mans rights! to certain freedoms ,can also become another mans biggest nightmare!.

Christians have freedoms to rights to cause divisions and seperation and excommunication between families and friends.But what ever happened to the freedom to have rights to be protected from this painful experience?.

A Muslim blows up a building in downtown New York ,and causes great harm which is disgusting!.Some harm last a lifetime where some people lose limbs etc,but thankfully most of these people still have some family.Others die reasonbly quickly.There is utter outrage! right accross the whole nation! and even overseas! ,later people are even disgusted at ideas Muslims have for building buildings in the neighbourhood.

Militant type groups within Christianity may (metaphorically) blow! some peoples whole lives apart!, and even legally get to apply lenghtly type of torture!! through inforcing seperation and excommunication of familiy members and friends, and in some cases even husband and wives and children from parents.Their suffering never seems to end! and medication doesnt really even fix it .Hearts are ripped out and rubbed in the dirt,and those suffering often have absolutely no family! left to even help them survive.For many a long slow death! sets in as the emmune systems allow more sickness ,others suffer so bad ! through the torture they finally choose suicide! as a way to try and find some sort of peace.

Right accross the nation and whole world! hardly a soul even stirs to care much, other than offering excuses (Rob R/Marcus) or the odd condolences and sorrys, or suggestion that just maybe! God will set things right someday,if indeed he even actually exists?.And nobody really seems to honestly give a damm much about where ever any of their church buildings might be getting built,it dont matter if they build one right next door to you as a survivor of the torrorism of faith.

In my opinion it seems to me we have a world built on a type of religious anarchy .They call it a matter of having freedom and rights etc.

But these same freedoms and rights seem to only apply to certain folk .Others have their freedoms and rights removed ! ,by previous set of said freedom and rights.

We are all primates but yet its still a type of religious dictatorship rule we live under, its not any united group that can say they all enjoy a social soceity.

Its Top Dog that survives best.And its often Top Dog that also is quick to scream blue murder! and be wailing! should any Low Life dare try using his own freedom to claim his own rights to any rules that dont happen to agree with Top Dogs idea of what rights and freedoms might supposedly equal.

I agree that faith books dont honestly deserve the type of respect they try claiming.But im not sure that the move to fire up such outrage that cases a feeling of delusion of it being all about persecution ,where by its likely to cause a upsurge in the radical .Would be any better for long term effect, if many atheists took to bulk burning bibles.

I dont think much of the corner street gang who so low they happy to sell P to the school children .But i dont see how purposely grouping together to start burning their insignia going to be so helpful in the long term.

If we burn qurans ,charisma of persecution will make more join radical Islam.If we burn Bibles ,charisma of persecution going to make radical Christianity uprising.Burning corner street gang insignia ,gonna make gang charisma out as persecuted and make gang seem like cool-thing more young want to join.

Dan DeMura said..."It is a very sticky situation"

Yes it sure is that Dan

nazani said...

Jones' pastor role is a rather thin cover for an accomplished con man. I find his financial machinations a lot more interesting than his rather ordinary religious pronouncements:


Rob R said...

I don't think this whole koran burning thing is the best idea and while I'm not a fan of the islamic center going in at the world trade center, if it does, I'm not hugely concerned even if the alleged claim that some islamic extremists would consider this as some sort of victory is true. If it is such a victory to them, in reality, it isn't. It's just a building at a location that ruffles some feathers understandably so.

But CNN just reported an interesting developement on both, that the Pastor is considering not having his Koran burn-off if they move the Islamic center.

Well, this got my wheels turning. This seems to be a new negotiation tool.

"What, you've got hostages? Better let them go or the Koran gets it! You're refining weapons grade materials? Better give it up cause we are holding a whole library of Korans on bookshelves laced with napalm!"

James said...

So we're preaching tolerance by saying "until you cut off some heads, you can't be integrated with us."

Seems itself a trifle intolerant.

And if we don't allow "integration" until certain requirements we impose are met, just what are those requirements? And before they're met, what is it we're free to do to those who haven't met them yet? Just what is this "integration" we will someday allow? In the meantime, what does non-integration expose them (Muslims? Islamists? Jihadists? Arabs?) to?

Might something be said for the imposition of only minimal requirements--like, we'll leave you alone just so long as you leave us alone? (It might be recalled that our capacity not to leave alone, to act against with impunity, is considerably greater than theirs.)