You Should Get Guy Harrison's "50 Popular Beliefs That People Think are True"

Having been sent a copy of Guy Harrison's new 458 page book, 50 Popular Beliefs That People Think Are True,I heartily endorse it as do many others:

"What would it take to create a world in which fantasy is not confused for fact and public policy is based on objective reality? I don't know for sure. But a good place to start would be for everyone on Earth to read this book." --Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist, American Museum of Natural History

"...the perfect book for skeptics to carry with them whenever they venture into the dark and mysterious realms where myths, monsters, and magic lurk as pretenders to truth, and where pseudoscience and superstition rule the day. I haven't had this much fun flipping around an encyclopedic collection of weird things A to Z since indexing Skeptic magazine. Harrison has added to the growing body of skeptical literature a contribution that will continue to move our culture toward one that openly embraces reason, science, and logic." --Michael Shermer, publisher of Skeptic magazine; columnist for Scientific American; author of The Believing Brain and Why People Believe Weird Things

"This book exactly nails the points science communicators have been trying to make for years." --Brian Dunning, author and host of the award-winning Skeptoid podcast

"Extremely well written, with a generous helping of good-natured humor, Harrison's book is the perfect antidote to magical thinking. Not just a debunking of fifty modern myths, Harrison explains exactly why these fifty popular beliefs have not passed scientific muster, always holding open the possibility, however remote, that one day they might. It's a fun read and should be on the bookshelves, not just of every skeptic, but of every believer in things that go bump in the night." --Dr. Kenneth Feder, professor of anthropology at Central Connecticut State University and the author of Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries: Science and Pseudoscience in Archaeology

"A much needed tour through common delusions about reality. Harrison writes clearly and succinctly about beliefs that are not supported by science or logic. However, he does so with sympathy and understanding for the reasons so many people find comfort in the irrational." --Victor J. Stenger, author of the New York Times bestseller God: The Failed Hypothesis and The Fallacy of Fine-Tuning
There are nine chapters on "Magical Thinking" with subjects like the paranormal, Near Death experiences, Psychic mind reading, the Bible Code, reincarnation, ESP, Nostradamus, and miracles.

Six chapters deal with "Out There" topics like "faked" moon landings, ancient astronauts, alien abductions, UFO's, Roswell, and Astrology.

Seven chapters on "Science and Reason" like the correctness of science, the Holocaust, Global warming, racism, and conspiracy theories.

Five chapters on "Strange Healings" like alternative medicine, homeopathy, faith healing, and anti-vaccines.

Twelve chapters on the "Lure of the Gods" like what is a true religion, creationism, prophecies, prayer, Noah's Ark, Archaeology, Holy relics, TV preachers.

Four chapters on "Bizarre Beings" like ghosts, Bigfoot, angels, and witches.

Four chapters on "Weird Places" like haunted houses, heaven, Bermuda Triangle, Area 51.

Three chapters on "Dreaming of the End" like the Mayans, and other end time predictions.

This book is written very well. It is a one stop shopping guide for discussing weird unevidenced beliefs. At the price we find on Amazon you have no reason not to get it. Use it as a reference guide on these topics. I will.