Faith in God and Jesus Now Superseded in Independent Baptist Churches by the King James Bible
In 1974 I was Licensed to Preach (one step
below Ordination) at an Independent Baptist Church (not associated with the
Southern Baptist Convention) near Salem, SC.
There I filled the pulpit, taught Sunday school, lead the youth, and
served as a guest evangelist at other Baptist churches. That same year I was a junior Bible Major at Southern
Wesleyan University heading for seminary and spiritually on top of my Independent Baptist
world considering myself “Ordained by God, but not yet by man.” until I
committed the unpardonable sin; I criticized the King James Bible (Yes it’s
true . . .God forbid).
It all started with
an article in the local news paper 37 years ago and posted last year here at DC: Remembering My First Article on Debunking the Bible: Sept. 14, 1977
During the evening worship
service, the pastor said he wanted to meet with all adult members of my Sunday
school class and all the deacons after the service while I was asked to wait
outside. After thirty minutes, the lady that had asked me the
question about the King James Bible came out crying got in her car and left. Next, a deacon came out and told me that he, along with another
deacon and the pastor, would meet with me at my house Tuesday evening to discuss
the situation. As I
waited, everyone left but the pastor who would not come out of the church, so I went in. He told me he wanted to discuss the church’s
action with me Tuesday with the deacons present to which I replied I
wanted to know what was wrong. He told
me that “You’ll not attack the King James Bible in this church and get away
with it!” I asked him how I was "attacking
the KJB"? He said my opinions were simply
opinions and not the truth! This would be discussed Tuesday and not now. I told him to “Forget Tuesday, I’m out of
Lest anyone think this
was an isolated event 37 years ago, then you should reconsider by clicking on
this website. (Check out the churches in your state to the left.) Here you’ll find listed some 6,345 churches
(mostly in the U.S.) that accept only the King James Bible! (Notice, for each church
listed; first is the pastor’s name, and then the initials “KJB” meaning the
only Bible accepted at this church is the King James Bible.)
Thus, it doesn’t matter if you profess faith in Jesus Christ
as your Lord and Savior. If you bring any version of the Bible (including the Greek New Testament, as I once did) to a KJB only
Independent Baptist Church, you'll stand
condemned as a heretic using a “satanic perversion”.
Doctrinally, I propose
that the Trinity be expanded to: God the
Father; God the Son; God the Holy Spirit and God the King James Bible.
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