College Accreditation Should Be Denied To All Evangelical Institutions That Require Professors To Sign Doctrinal Statements
Here is an example of why people subscribe to this blog. We consistently produce interesting discussions. Here is another one that I'm introducing today. We have addressed the problem with institutions of higher learning that require their professors to sign doctrinal statements before, especially here, but also here and here. This is a typical doctrinal statement:
Evangelical scholars who teach for evangelical and other sectarian colleges must sign similar doctrinal statements every year. Some students are required to sign them in order to graduate, or so I've heard. Why do they need this if the evidence for evangelical and sectarian scholarship is there in the first place? Why are they needed if the goal is the search for truth in a world of religious confusion?
Evangelical backward thinking colleges seek legitimization. Gaining accreditation is one way to do that. So accreditation should be denied these colleges. Do it now! Apply this retroactively to sectarian colleges who already have accreditation. Colleges like Biola University. No, I am not kidding. The principle to be used in denying them accreditation is that signing doctrinal statements disqualifies a higher institution of learning worthy of the name from accreditation.
Why is college accreditation important?
For instance, accreditation should be denied to Biola University, since this sectarian institution's doctrinal statement is "fundamentally at odds with the entire direction of modern biology.” LINK.
We look to existing accreditation agencies to implement this new policy. Do it now, especially in light of the fact that there are accredited colleges like Biola University and others, some of which are even denying human caused global warming, which is the single most pressing problem on our planet today. Come on, you cannot possibly be insuring the quality of education for students who enter these colleges by not taking this stand. Do it now for our future, for the students, for the truth and for the planet.
We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are verbally and plenarily inspired of God, are inerrant in the original writings, and are the infallible authority in all matters of faith and conduct (II Timothy 3:16).
Evangelical backward thinking colleges seek legitimization. Gaining accreditation is one way to do that. So accreditation should be denied these colleges. Do it now! Apply this retroactively to sectarian colleges who already have accreditation. Colleges like Biola University. No, I am not kidding. The principle to be used in denying them accreditation is that signing doctrinal statements disqualifies a higher institution of learning worthy of the name from accreditation.
Why is college accreditation important?
There are several reasons accreditation is important besides ensurance of quality and adherence to academic standards. Accreditation determines a school's eligibility for participation in federal (Title IV) and state financial aid programs, as well as eligibility for employer tuition assistance. Proper accreditation is integral for the acceptance and transfer of college credit, and is a prerequisite for many graduate programs. In addition, degrees attained from a school without regional accreditation may not be as accepted for professions that require licensure... LINK.Should something be done about this? I think so, and it has nothing to do with me being an atheist. I recognize private colleges have First Amendment protections. At the same time accreditation agencies exist in order to insure the quality of education that students can expect to receive in American colleges. So the best and only way to insure the quality of education in institutions of higher learning is to withhold accreditation from them if they are sectarian in nature, if they have a doctrinal statement that forms the foundation of their colleges, and if they force their professors to sign a doctrinal statement (and/or their graduating students).
For instance, accreditation should be denied to Biola University, since this sectarian institution's doctrinal statement is "fundamentally at odds with the entire direction of modern biology.” LINK.
We look to existing accreditation agencies to implement this new policy. Do it now, especially in light of the fact that there are accredited colleges like Biola University and others, some of which are even denying human caused global warming, which is the single most pressing problem on our planet today. Come on, you cannot possibly be insuring the quality of education for students who enter these colleges by not taking this stand. Do it now for our future, for the students, for the truth and for the planet.
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