Apologist Steve Hays On the Outsider Perspective and the Historian
I copied this debate we had on Facebook. I can't get the pages sized the same, oh well. I typed much of it on the fly using my phone, so I could have done a bit better if I had a computer. I think I did very well. There's new stuff here. It would be well worth your time to read it to better learn how to answer believers.

Back to the outsider perspective then back and forth from here.
Continued from Steve (figure this out from here):

For this never ending debate with a guy who never gives up see here.
The issue of miracles and historian came up based on my quote of Bart Ehrman:
Back to the outsider perspective then back and forth from here.
Continued from Steve (figure this out from here):
For this never ending debate with a guy who never gives up see here.
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