Perhaps Now Is The Time To Read My New Anthology!
If you're reading more books due to spending more time at home, perhaps now is the time to read my latest anthology, The Case against Miracles. It just may be the crowning work of my publishing career. It should be interesting to watch apologists deal with it. Here are links to the paperback edition, and the Kindle edition. Some recommendations of it are below:
--Michael Shermer, publisher of Skeptic magazine:

--Michael Shermer, publisher of Skeptic magazine:
I thought I knew a lot on these topics—inasmuch as I was once a born-again Christian myself and made these arguments, then became a born-again Skeptic debating believers—but I learned more from reading this one book than all other works combined. The Case against Miracles belongs in every library and personal bookcase of both believers and skeptics.--Peter Boghossian, author of A Manual for Creating Atheists:
The Case Against Miracles is the most important anthology to ever be written about miracles.--Christian apologist Gary Habermas:
Christians need be aware of what non-Christian scholars are saying. In this thoughtful and stimulating volume, editor John Loftus brings together a number of the most accomplished atheists and other skeptics to deal with the crucial topic of miracles, an issue that is important on all sides.--Tom Flynn, Senior Editor of Free Inquiry magazine:
--Assistant Professor of History at Arkansas Tech University, Dr. Gregory Michna:In 2008, John W. Loftus launched what would become a definitive series of anti-apologetic works. The Case against Miracles is the capstone volume of this astonishing output, and it's an impressive achievement. Any thoughtful Christian whose conviction rests on the evidence of miracles who reads this book with an open mind will be hard pressed not to abandon--or at least profoundly rethink--his or her beliefs. Of course, true believers seldom approach works critical of their faiths with an open mind, which is why The Case against Miracles will probably be of greater value to secular students of religion and especially to those drawn to the challenges of anti-apologetics.
The assorted contributors who provided essays for The Case Against Miracles offer a range of arguments—from the philosophical and intellectual to specific historic deconstructions—suggesting that miracles fly in the face of reason and should be met with credulity. They provide a wide survey of issues inherent in miraculous claims that will give any reader much to consider.--Trent Horn, a Christian apologist who earned three master’s degrees in theology, philosophy, and bioethics, and the author of nine books, including Answering Atheism:
While some entries are stronger than others, The Case against Miracles represents a powerful critique of the miraculous. Its central arguments demand the attention of any serious defender of the Christian faith.--David Fitzgerald, author of Nailed, Jesus: Mything in Action, and The Complete Heretic's Guide to Western Religion series:
Every John W. Loftus book is a must-read; he continues to assemble some of the finest and most insightful minds in contemporary counter-apologetics. Putting biblical miracle claims under the magnifying lens, it weighs the evidence and finds them wanting. The Case against Miracles is a superb resource and a handy field guide for anyone forced to traipse through the treacherous jungles of the miraculous.--Dr. David Madison, author of Ten Tough Problems in Christian Thought and Belief:
The previous four Loftus anthologies have left little of Christianity intact. Of course, apologists continue to flail, but the case against miracles—so massively documented in this new 562-page book—wipes out all vestiges of this primitive, magical thinking.--Dan Barker Co-President of Freedom From Religion Foundation and author of GOD: The Most Unpleasant Character in All Fiction:
This book is a secular miracle! An extremely rare event. There are hundreds of pro-miracle books, but when was the last time you saw a comprehensive anthology by such eloquent critics of miracles? For gathering this well-reasoned material into such an accessible volume, John Loftus should be canonized.--Karen L. Garst, PhD, Editor of Women Beyond Belief:
In this book much shorter than the Bible itself, Loftus has marshaled all the key arguments to prove that people should seriously doubt all religious miracle claims. It should be required reading in all seminaries.--Mark W. Gura, president of Atheist Alliance of America, author, and atheist activist:
The Case against Miracles is a must read go-to book for showing the key flaws in the arguments Christian apologists use to convince people that miracles are real. It covers the Old Testament and New Testament miracles, and everything from the alleged virgin birth, to Jesus’ mythic resurrection and the failures of Christian apologetics. It’s the best book ever written on miracles.--David Kyle Johnson, Ph.D, author of The Great Courses’ “The Big Questions of Philosophy”:
John Loftus’ The Case Against Miracles is a must read for anyone who truly and honestly wonders whether a miracle has ever occurred. Especially useful is its treatment of Craig Keener and his reports of the miraculous. Not only is the speciousness of Keener’s stories exposed, and the myriad faults of his investigate approach laid bare, but the details of how investigation into the miraculous must be approached is clearly articulated.
--Rev. Dr. Dan Lambert Minister, First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palm Beaches:
People of all faiths – and of no faith – will find The Case against Miracles to be a fascinating read filled with thoughts that will challenge them, with ideas that will lead them to research more, and with philosophical premises that will create meaningful discussions.
--David G. McAfee, author of Disproving Christianity: Refuting the World's Most Followed Religion, and No Sacred Cows: Investigating Myths, Cults and the Supernatural:
This is a top-tier counter-apologetics work. The Case Against Miracles is the best anti-apologetics book around!
--Gary M, a former conservative Lutheran who writes for his blog Escaping Christian Fundamentalism, which I highly recommend:
I am a counter-apologist and have read a long list of books by Christian scholars, apologists, and fellow skeptic counter-apologists. This book, The Case Against Miracles, is absolutely devastating to the theistic belief in miracles, and more specifically, absolutely devastating for the greatest alleged miracle of all, the Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.
Dr. Peter Boghossian wrote this additional comment on Twitter:
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