My Last Anthology: God and Horrendous Suffering
I just finished my own contributions for my last anthology, to be titled, God and Horrendous Suffering, to be published next year by Global Center for Religious Research. I'm done. It's time to enjoy life more. What a ride this has been! No more books. I've written all the books I want to write. I'm very grateful for my readers and your encouragement over the years. It has been very frustrating at times. But it has also been very rewarding knowing I made a difference to some degree. I'll still be here writing for my blog DC, Facebook, and Twitter, along with doing podcasts, speaking engagements, and debates, so no worries. I'm even thinking about doing some videos, we'll see.
I didn't write a single chapter for Christianity in the Light of Science, and only one chapter for The End of Christianity. But in this upcoming anthology I've written the Introduction plus five chapters! That's because I'm an expert on this problem, more so than on other issues.
Today I finished my last chapter on Calvinism. I think it may be the best chapter I've ever written! Given God's pre-ordained decretive will he must agree. However, I might change my mind just to fuck with him. ;-) Below is the Table of Contents. It's an excellent model for how philosophers, apologists, and theologians should've been discussing this problem decades ago. If you place this upcoming anthology next to Christianity is Not Great, you'll have everything needed to understand why we think it's worthwhile to debunk Christianity, and religion in general.
God and Horrendous Suffering.
Foreword, by Stephen Law
Introduction, by John Loftus
1 A Prolegomena to Horrendous Suffering
1. John Loftus, In
Defense of Hitchens’s Razor
Part 2 Philosophical and Apologetical
2. N.N. Trakakis, Swinburne vs Swinburne
3. William Patterson, A
Rawlsian Approach to Theodicy
4. John
Loftus, The Problem of Animal Suffering
5. Darren Slade, Failed to Death: Misotheism and
Childhood Suffering
6. Vitaly
Malkin, The Problem of the Jewish Holocaust
7. John Loftus, On Making Excuses for God
8. David Kyle Johnson, Refuting Skeptical Theism
Part 3 Theological and Religious
9. Robert
Price, Theodicy: The Idiocy
10. John Loftus, The Abject
Failure of the God of Creation, Revelation, and Redemption
11. David Eller, Pious Pain:
Self-Harm as Religious Work and Religious Good
12. Mark Gura, On Falsifying Buddhism, Karma and Rebirth
13. Taner Edis, Doubt and
Submission: Why Evil is a Minor Problem for Islam
14. John Loftus, The Awful Controlling Damning Lying Calvinist God
15. Gunther Laird, Dissolving the Thomistic Solution to Evil
Part 4 Biblical, Historical and Personal Problems
16. Elicka Peterson Sparks, Christian Nationalism is Criminogenic
17. Dan Barker, Supernatural
18. David Madison, Bible
Horror Tales That’ll Chill You To the Bone
19. David Madison, The Bible Fails to Make Sense of Human
20. William A. Zingrone, The
Suffering Caused by Faith
Michael Paulkovich, The Ascent and Reign of the Christian Behemoth
22. Dale W. O’Neal, The Making and Unmaking of a Christian
About the Contributors
To read some of the blurbs CLICK HERE.
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