Once Again On Childhood Indoctrination

Childhood religious indoctrination should be rejected by all honest parents who believe their religion is shown to be true by the objective evidence, and is bolstered by a caring god who will  bring their children to salvation. That should go equally for Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, Catholics, Protestants,  Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and every other religious sect.
Instead, all honest parents should just provide the thinking tools that will eventually lead their children to come to accept their religious faith.
The problem is that they cannot do this. They cannot trust their faith to be shown true by the objective evidence. They cannot trust their faith will be bolstered by a caring god who will  bring their children to salvation. Most importantly, they cannot specify the thinking tools that will eventually lead their children to come to accept their religious faith.
It was very hard to leave my indoctrinated faith, especially since I did everything to maintain it. I had to be absolutely sure, lest I fall prey to Pascal's Wager. If I was wrong, to hell I would go. My faith had to be nearly impossible before I would consider it improbable, which is backasswards.
It didn't dawn on me that I never gave a moment's thought to fearing Allah's hell. 
This only shows one cannot usually be reasoned out of a faith if it was never accepted due to reason in the first place.
There is nothing about saying "atheists lack a belief in god" that leads to the conclusion we're talking about animals or rocks! We're not. That is imbecilic. We're expressly speaking about beliefs, and animals or rocks don't have ANY beliefs (considered as such). 
When it comes to babies they are not born with a god belief. So they are non-believers. A non-believer is an non-theist, or an a-theist. They lack a belief in god, that is, they don't have it. They've never considered it, as millions of thinking adults have not considered it in the world. 
People are raised to believe though, in this god, that goddess, or another paranormal belief. If they never are raised to believe they are born and raised as atheists.
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