Thanks for the Encouragement, I Think. ;-)

Two weeks ago I was frustrated and wrote a post threatening to quit Blogging. As a lightning rod I get attacked from both sides of the fence. Six hours later after sleeping on it I deleted that post. During the night several people commented and made me realize I needed to focus on the people who appreciate what I do. Some people suggested I take a break and do something different. Maybe I will, and maybe I won't, we'll see. But below are some of the positive comments I received from the people I'll focus on from now on, who motivate me. I just want to say thanks, I think. ;-)

I can handle the ignorant Christians who attack me. That's what ignorant Christians constantly do because they cannot effectively deal with my arguments. Intelligent Christians are a different story. Some of them are using my book in their college classes on apologetics and atheism and even openly expressing the hope that my work will be recognized over the other new atheists, since I am a worthy opponent and since I treat their faith respectfully. I am the only skeptic permitted to post something at Answering Infidels and the first atheist to be asked to present a paper at a regional meeting of the Evangelical Philosophical Society. My work is also being recognized in other prestigious places as well.

But what bothers me the most are the ignorant skeptics who also attack me. I’ve said before that skeptics do not have a corner on rationality, and I still think that’s true. Some skeptics attack me because some Christians attack me! Think of the idiocy of this!? These skeptics conclude I must be as bad as these Christians say I am. But then these skeptics have not read my book or much that I write here on this blog either. And they have no clue what it’s like to be a lightning rod where Christians feel the right, no, the religious duty, to personally attack me (and these attacks are getting more and more desperate). I am personally attacked because I am honest about my personal ugly past. Of course I get upset when they do so and sometimes I fire back. Most self-respecting people would. I don't take lightly to personal attacks from ignorant Christian people who think they can dismiss my arguments by doing so. Other times I have more restraint by not responding at all. So to these ignorant skeptics I say: Get off you're high moral horse and become informed.

I’m personally attacked because I promote my book quite a bit. But if the astounding recommendations of it are even half on the mark it’s something to promote, especially when the only atheist writers that most of these ignorant skeptics know about are the so-called famous new atheist writers, like Harris, Dawkins and Hitchens. I’ve explained why I promote it right here.

Some skeptics attack me because I don't allow anonymous comments and/or that I delete some ignorant comments and/or abusive ones. If I allowed anonymous comments then this place would degenerate to an ignorant name-calling free for all, at least, that's what happens every time I try it. We have a comment policy. Read it and abide by it. No respectful intelligent comment will be deleted. I want a reasonable, respectful discussion/debate, or none at all!!!

I’m attacked because some skeptics claim I’m arrogant. That seems to be a bit of sour grapes to me. And arrogance is in the eye of the beholder anyway. Even if so, and I deny this, who gives a shit? Nietzsche was certainly arrogant, and yet he helped change the western world. Deal with my arguments. If they’re good ones that’s all skeptics should be concerned about.

It’s also claimed that I either have a Messiah or a martyr complex. But there's no messiah or martyr complex here with me at all. Just passion; lots of it.

So to these ignorant skeptics I say that if you don't have the same passion nor the same goals, then please don't discourage those of us who do.


Here then are the positive responses to my post threatening to quit Blogging.
For what its worth, there really isn't anyone else out there that uses your approach. I think you're good for both sides, and hope you keep it up. Cheers.

Hey, did the U.S. quit when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor?

Hell no!

Don't you, either.

There are a lot of us that like what you're doing--we appreciate your style.
This has quickly become one of my favorite sites. We atheists need to be armed with the best information possible when battling the nonsense of christianity. You offer a unique insider viewpoint not available anywhere else. I fully appreciate that you do this voluntarily and I'm very thankful that you do.

I personally don't tend to read the comment sections of most blogs because they are so often trolled by the wretches of society.

I'm sure you get a thousand E-mails like this a day, but I thought I'd drop you a line anyway. I'm an avid reader of your blog and I've read your book at least twice over. I can't imagine myself in your shoes where everyone is a critic and every Joe Internet has his own unwarranted opinion on how you could do things better and I can't even begin to empathize with that. So I thought I'd add a short list of things I think you do well:

- Clear lucid writing that a layman like I can understand.

- Outsider Test of Faith

- Guest Posts from Christian Scholars

- Your sense of fairness.

I hope your spirits get lifted soon John! Take care.

If you weren't receiving that kind of (frustrating) feedback you would only know that nobody is listening.

I really enjoy reading every post on this blog, but until now I have sat silent behind the veneer of Google Reader.

Remember, for every dicey comment you receive from some halfwit troll you have a handful (or more) of grateful readers who sincerely appreciate not only what you say, but how you say it.

I hope that my words offer some small consolation.

What ever you decide is the best for you to do John is what you should do.

Let me just say though this Kiwi far away on the other side of the world is honestly thankful for all you do!, and specially having made this blog available with the knowledge that`s contained within.

However lifes very busy and provides plenty enough stress so most of us would totally understand if you felt this extra stress of this blog was something you didnt need.

That being said im sure i can say that many would miss it. Thats what happens when good things stop.

I agree very much with david !,"For what its worth, there really isn't anyone else out there that uses your approach. I think you're good for both sides, and hope you keep it up. Cheers.."

If you do stop, let this be my chance to thank you. I've only commented a few times, not feeling quite up to the intellectual bar that's usually presented here, but I've enjoyed reading your blog, especially how you include some of the refutations and comments on popular Christian apologetics.

Whatever you decide, thanks. I'm not about to write a personal story, but let it be known that you have helped me.

Best wishes.

As a frequenter of this blog I think you do nothing short of a public service, John. I wish all atheists had such commitment.

If defending and promoting atheism is not what you want to do, that's fine. If you're "losing it" because of critical blog comments, maybe this isn't what you should be doing.

Or maybe it is.

You're a smart man, educated in Christian apologetics, converted by the evidence (and personal experience, of course), honest enough to tell your story, and hard-working enough to devote a lot of energy to your case even though there's no money in it. You're a rare gem, John, and I think you have a lot to offer.

I take criticism from both sides, but I've only been at this for a few months. I can imagine after a while it would get overwhelming. I tend to abstract it all and see arguments doing battle - to which I am only a spectator. Maybe that helps. But it's hard to do that when someone makes specific attacks on you.

John, I hope you keep up the good work!

You're a bastion of reason in a world dominated by fairy tales. don't give up, your message needs to continue to reach and influence others in a way only you can manage.

i'm not sure you realize how valuable, relevant, and appreciated your work has become to many.

for what it's worth, keep it up.

I've got to say that I really enjoy this blog and I like the approach you take in the matter. This is an informative blog because of the approach you take, there's no need for you to be another Dan Barker or Richard Dawkins - it's odd that anyone should want you to be that. The more voices the better, especially when there's more opinion and more choice.

Skeptics are attacking you? I don't know why, but they should be more supportive. I enjoy this blog.

Hey John, hang in there, you are doing good work. Remember: no good deed goes unpunished.


Just wanted to take a minute to say :

Do. Not. Quit.



a former fundamentalist evangelical (due in no small part to your book).

I just want to say thank you for your website, your books, and your interviews. Rather by design or accident, you’re on the front lines of a difficult and near impossible battle. In my profession, I know what it’s like to have my words in print or presentations made to the public, where every word is analyzed to levels you never thought possible. And I know the feeling of wanting to tell others to stand up, make their own comments and put their position on the public line to face the scrutiny, if not the projectiles. But for every one who throws a stone, there are many, many more who are humbled and deeply appreciative for your work and respectful of your journey.

As my journey takes me to a place I never imagined I would find myself, your work is making my trip possible, more intellectually honest, and with the sense that I can take the small steps because of your giant ones. I sincerely thank you.

Please don't give in just because some morons can't understand what you're trying to do here. Your well written and insightful articles are well repected by all my friends and we would be devastated if you were to stop blogging. Keep up the good work man, your contributions to the debate are priceless.

For people who think what I do is helpful I'd really appreciate some financial help in these very hard economical times. To do so click here to learn more, and thanks in advance for anything you can do.


swizzlenuts said...

For what it's worth, I tried to post some encouragement; google reader snatched the post, but I didn't get to comment because you deleted. Anyways, I love your work, and think you're someone I love is on my side. A rational, freethinking person, that speaks his mind.

Darrin said...

John, I think your advice to me is best: always stick to the arguments no matter what. If you're having trouble doing this, then take a week or two off or at least lessen your involvement. I had to do just that after the Craig/Carrier debate ...

HERP said...

Oh you can't quit now! I just found out about this blog and your book.

I think you should keep blogging and ignore the ignorant people who attack you.

Steven Carr said...

You want to say thanks?

It is we who ought to say thanks...

Abukrist said...

There are 4 blogs I read every day. Debunking Christianity is one of them.

Claude said...


I read your blog everyday and am always impressed by your wonderful arguments.

Sorry I'm writing this in crayon, but they don't allow sharp objects in this ward.

Anonymous said...

John, I have to say that what you are doing is really appreciated by lot of people. I have been a doubting Catholic for a long time (since High school) but I never had the guts to leave the church. Then, by accident, I saw your book at Amazon and decided to read it. I have to say that reading those arguments and realizing that there are other people who reject the nonsense of Christianity gave me the strength to come out of the closet. I am now a happy agnostic. I guess that what I am trying to say is that work from people like you is very important in a society consumed by superstition. If you feel that the blog is too consuming I would suggest taking some time off, maybe even write a book in response to Lee Strobel’s nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for so many kind comments. I appreciate you all.

*Ahem* I might add that other skeptics have attacked me because I think there was a real person named Jesus who was a doomsday prophet and started the Jesus cult in the first century. As far as I can tell, two of these skeptics have reconciled with me and have learned to "agree to disagree." I find this encouraging. They realize who my target audience is, and it's not skeptics; it's Christians.

I would lose credibility if I argued such a founder to the Jesus cult did not exist (although, I must add I really do think this and that it is NOT just an attempt to gain credibility in their eyes).


Lunamor said...

I'm glad you didn't quit, either. I did see the post, but as is often my way on blogspot, I didn't comment.

I'm still making my way through your book, and I'm eternally grateful for your work on it and on this site.

Walter said...

This is one of my favorite blogs. You definitely need to hang in there.

steverazorberry said...

Please don't quit John - yours is my favorite blog on the net. Excelsior!

Ignerant Phool said...

John, I've seen you threaten to leave before so I didn't think anything serious about it. But I guess no one else is walking in your shoes, and only you can decide when you need a new pair. But it seems also a lot of people like the one's you're wearing right now. And I would like to think those are some nice, strong, good, and reliable pair you got there.

At least if you decide to throw away those shoes, we'll still have your books. That I'm glad you can't take away from us, as if you were to stop blogging, it would be taking a lot from us. It might seem a bit selfish of us, but only because what you do is needed, and is greatly appreciated.

Dave Huntsman said...

There's an old Lakota saying, I think: it is good that a man has enemies, for it shows he has lived a life of worth.

Keep living a life of worth, John-boy; only the dead don't feel pain.

Granvilletl1 said...


I've never posted in your site and this is my first post.

It'll be a great lost to our community if you quit. I have finished reading your book two months and I'm coming to your site a few times a week. You are one of the few non-believers that really know the business. Without you and your site, I'm afraid we, atheist, don't really have a strong voice.

I just make a donation. I wish I could do more, but without a job, I can only do what I can. I wish others can also do the same.

Thanks for your passion.


Hesiodos said...

I too have greatly benefitted from your on-line activities. Thank you for your passion and your time.

T said...


Given that you are one of the bigger names in the new atheism movement, you should definitely continue. I think you are a hop, skip, or very small jump away from taking over as one of the big names.

One of the projects I'd like to see someday is a collection of stories about the people you've met and more remarkable experiences you've had doing this. You've shared a few of them here, but I've been you've got some more to tell.

Anthony said...

John, I guess I missed the original posting. I know that it sucks to have people on both sides of the fence riding you, but such is the life of the freethinker, you can't please (nor should you try) everyone. Keep up the good work my friend.

Daniel Holter said...

I'm glad you got my email... I'll admit, I was a bit worried there when I saw the post had been deleted. :)

Glad you're sticking around. Don't let the bastards grind you down.

___________________________ said...

Very good blog. This is one of the blogs I try to keep up with as much as possible. In fact, I don't think I like many other blogs more than this one. Your posts are definitely a great read, and I recommend your book to people I know. So in short, keep on posting. We appreciate it.

IdahoEv said...


I was wondering what was up with that mysterious post I saw in my RSS feeds but couldn't find on the site.

Speaking as a rationalist and atheist, I'm thrilled you're here. It's great to have someone making the arguments who does understand the inner workings of Christianity ... something I can't claim (I was raised Catholic, but not with any great intensity. In Sunday School we decorated paper Easter trees rather than learn theology.). Your presence and understanding of both sides both helps bridge the divide and makes the arguments for atheism more compelling to those who need convincing the most.

Your book is the next thing on my list.

Thank you for being here and for all that you do to make the world a better place.


IdahoEv said...

might add that other skeptics have attacked me because I think there was a real person named Jesus who was a doomsday prophet and started the Jesus cult in the first century.

For what it's worth, I agree. Most scholars seem to agree that this is in fact likely.

Hell, I wouldn't even be shocked to discover that the names of a lot of the patriarchs in Genesis in fact came from real people via oral tradition.

I don't know why other skeptics find this such an offensive concept. It seems to me that a charismatic leader is far more likely to found a new religion than a fairly tale.

Haile Selassie and Mírzá Ḥusayn-`Alí Nuri were both very definitely real people, and religions were founded by or around them. The rest of us simply understand that they are not, in fact, divine.

New Family Bureau said...

Blogger blues.

We all get it.

Brad Haggard said...

John, since I started blogging a couple of weeks ago, I've been called an idiot three times. It's fun.

I'm hoping someone makes a parody profile of me sometime ;-)

Jeff Howell said...

Hey John. I hope you continue. I read the news when I get up, and then I check out your blog. You are performing a great service for free thinkers. And remember, if you persevere to the end, your reward is in heaven! Ha. Sorry, former preacher coming out in me. Seriously, you are providing a forum for free thought.

feeno said...

Get a room people. Jeesh!

Late, feeno

Anonymous said...

And one more constant lurker adds his support...;-)

James B said...

I am a new member of the skeptic community. I have found the information presented here, and other works like Dan Barkers Freethought Radio program, a crucial part of this journey. As a fundamentalist christian of 20 years, it is very helpful to read and understand the insights of those who have "been there". Dawkins marvels at the mental happenings of the born again experience. Here is the value of John's work. Christianity feeds on submission and conformity via intrecate dogma. Writers like Dawkins help demystify religious claims, but falls short untangling the web of fear based arguments a believer finds himself trapped in. Enter Loftus, Barker, and Avalos. For the christian, your work is invaluable, and timely!

If John wants to hang up the blog for career pursuits, why not? It would be nice to still have access to the articles on the web! I say moving on is healthy and natural, maybe time for others to take up the skeptics gospel holy calling!


Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

Add me to the list of folks who were going to post supportive comments, but couldn't because the post was deleted. I don't agree with all the conclusions posted on this blog, but I find it fascinating and very valuable.

Jeff L. said...

you know you must be doing something right John because the devil is bringing all this opposition to try to get you to stop. If that is not a clear sign from God I don't know what is ;-)

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

hey John Dave Ellis says self publishing means that one is a failure. What do you think of that?

goprairie said...

I didn't know anyone else like me. I had HEARD of the rare and exotic atheist getting kicked out of Boy Scouts or challenging something at a school on the news but I never knew one. All my friends and family members were lukewarm to devout Cahtolics or Lutherand or Methodists. I even knew a few Fundamentalists. The closest I came was some associations with some of those liberal Episcopals when I was in high school. My town mayor referred to people being a 'good christian' as tho the two were one and the same and to not be one was to not be the other. I felt pretty damn alone in the questions I had. One day, on the way thru Madison WI, I saw that big billboard. Freedom From Religion. Whoa. Could it be there were enough of us to have a GROUP, a formal organization. ALl that stopped me from pulling off to the side of the road to cry at the joy of the thought, at the relief, was my rush to get home to look up the website online. I spent the next several days listening to the archives of their radio show in the background while I worked. I started to search onlone for more to read and found you guys. For me and others not quite here yet, for those with questions they want answered, for those with the courage to wonder and ask and question, please stick to this.

Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

"hey John Dave Ellis says self publishing means that one is a failure. What do you think of that?"

Which Dave Ellis? Google shows me a saxaphone player and a painter/film maker and several others.

M. Tully said...


Definitely do not stop. As a hard nosed skeptic I can tell you that you fill a niche that I (and I would imagine those like minded) cannot fill.

I can rip the cosmological argument, the argument from reason and the argument from morality. The arguments I make are straight forward, no nonsense, evidence based.

What I cannot do and cannot ever see having the time to learn, is discredit superstition in the eyes of a thorough-going true believer. Making a successful argument means not only knowing what the evidence is, but just as important, knowing how to present to an audience. You can do that in an arena that I and those like me cannot.

As for the hard time your taking from skeptics, I didn't fully understand until the time you took me to task for bluntly disparaging a certain literary scholar.

I thought about it, and you were right. While my blunt language would have been appropriate for those on the fence, it was absolutely wrong to try to move a true believer closer to the fence.

So please keep going, we committed hard core empiricists will pick up as the audience moves a little closer to Bacon's "go into a question undecided."

M. Tully said...

One more quick thing, historically speaking, "*Ahem* I might add that other skeptics have attacked me because I think there was a real person named Jesus who was a doomsday prophet and started the Jesus cult in the first century."

Based on the evidence I have seen, neither position can make a "beyond a reasonable doubt" case. So I really wouldn't quit the good work you do over that particular issue.

doubting thomas said...

John, for those of us out here who are not happy with what we've been told and are searching for satisfying answers, your reasonable, intelligent, thorough, and documented approach is a great relief, not to mention hard to find. Sadly, my religion has done me a great deal of harm. I read your book a couple of months ago, and it gave me the clarity and passion I needed to state my case - a case for the mind and the heart - and walk away. The peace and the hope I have felt since then is a new experience for me. Please don't quit. We MUST have an alternative voice!

Steven Bently said...

This is a wonderful site and we need as many sites in our favor that we possibly can.

Although I would not care if you only run just a few articles a week, because I only have time to read and absorb the jest of the article and to read and respond to some of the comments.

This would give you some time off too, as with the to me, they run too many articles per day for me to read and I have lost interest in because of that very thing.

Seems that once an article is posted, it's time for a new one and the other article gets lost or tossed aside with no time to respond or absorb what is being said, I like to think about an article for several hours and in some cases days, before I try to make an informed comment.

I do not see the need to rush to post as many articles in one day, only to be tossed aside, because of the influx of new articles being posted immediately that very same day.

Does anyone else agree with this?

openlyatheist said...

HPSB, yes, I second that. I don't read the emails much anymore.

If I had a blog like this, I wouldn't post more than once a week, and when I damn well pleased. It is too much to expect anyone to spar with irrationality 24/7.

In my opinion, I think that is a large reason for the drop off of many atheist bloggers, including short lived contributors to this blog.

Dave Huntsman said...

I think there was a real person named Jesus who was a doomsday prophet and started the Jesus cult in the first century.....................
I would lose credibility if I argued such a founder to the Jesus cult did not exist (although, I must add I really do think this and that it is NOT just an attempt to gain credibility in their eyes).
For my own reading...... I'd nitpick by saying: there probably was a historical Jesus; he was an apocolyptic prophet who thought the end truly was near; who didn't come to light until after The Baptist was killed; he was a Jewish prophet, not someone establishing a new religion. He caused a ruckus at one point, and Pilate's soldiers, who had standing orders during Passover to quickly handle troublemakers, dispatched him with a 'casual cruelty' that led his followers to essentially drift away. The CHRIST CULT was initiated by Paul

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much everyone. It means a great deal to know that what I personally do makes a difference. Thanks also for the helpful suggestions.

If I quit or when I die this Blog will outlive me into the future. But I don't plan on quitting nor do I plan on dying any time soon (contrary to any rumors I may have started). ;-)

Cheers all.

Lets get ready to rummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmble.

myprecious said...

Mr Loftus - please do not deprive me of the pleasure of reading blog:)
Greetings form Poland:)

Gandolf said...

This is my most favorite blog on the net too John.Im out of town and away from computer access many days a week,when ever im back im always keen to read whats been said.

Holy Prophet Steven Bently suggests you post as much as you feel you are able to and take some time for yourself when ever you need to.

I agree .

I learn heaps from reading this blog and it helps me if im discussing these matters with other people elsewhere.

Very likely you will never ever please everyone John.But hey dont let that bother you because i doubt that anybodies really able to.


Fudge 'em all, John.
I do moi's feces for myself and no one likes it, see..... REALLY dig it, though.


Oh, BTW - go to my YouTube channel for "The Origin of Jesus Christ" (Parts I & II)
methinks you'll really dig it.

SPOILER ALERT: Ovid did it

willster0001 said...

I thought I'd send you this tidbit. I have always encouraged my daughter to question everything and determine the answers for herself. Not a particularly welcome idea in the buckle of the Bible Belt. However, when my seven-year-old daughter asked me to explain what Easter was about to her, I launched into a great discussion of pagan fertility celebrations and how the church had co-opted these symbols and finally came to the story of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. When I told her the story of how the Romans killed Jesus and how he rose from the dead, she looked momentarily horrified and then said, "you mean, like a zombie?"
I'd never heard it put that way before, but she was exactly right.

Dave Huntsman said...

I agree with Holy Prophet et al on the frequency of posts.

I also had never thought of the 'zombie' angle; pretty good.

Unknown said...


I want to second all the positives others have said. You inspire me. We need more voices like yours. Please continue to lead as an example to the new web generations to fight the fight of reason.

You're a light in the dark (to borrow some old-time language ;)


strangebrew said...

Christianity is on the metaphorical ropes...
Moderate religion..if there is such a hemorrhaging bunnies fast...these folks are in free fall..the only net left to catch their confused spirituality are the evangelicals along with dogmatic and creationist and IDiots professing born again status but not retards are benefiting ironically with the decline of organized christian worship really...

These folk need an alternative...for years they have been threatened conjoled and lied to by misogynistic ignorant politically motivated bogus fools...made worse because some of legion of the righteously damned actually believe the tripe they preach!

The premise of Christianity is a fine ideal...unfortunately the the incompetants that run the show cannot tell the difference between suopernatural hocus pocus and the reality of the human condition...

John they need folk with the bravery and the intellectual honesty to present the alternative to a life of crass servitude in terms that they can relate to...

I cannot do that because I have never been in thrall of a bunch of nonsensical axioms enforced by
unelected and palpably mentally flaky individuals that cannot logically string a sentence together without appeal to a mythological figure...
I was lucky in that I was not raised in circumstances that warranted servitude to the cult...either because of wish or expectation.
Many folks do not have that privilege...

That is why you and your colleagues on this blog are so very important to this world...the ones that are lost need a guiding light stooped in 21st century rationalism not bronze age mythology.
Because you know the mind sets know the arguments you know the bogus traps set in threads of silken steel that enslave....that is invaluable knowledge...because you also know how they can be broken...
Rock on kidda...

Steven Bently said...

Andrew, your negative and derogatory remarks are neither warranted nor wanted here. I hope you get the ban from this site that you so much deserve.

Anonymous said...

Andrew is banned and he knows it.

Today I'm finishing up my taxes.

Cheers again.

Loopa said...

John - hadn't posted before but wanted you to know I read all of your posts and thoroughly enjoy them; there are lots of us out here that don't want you to quit!

Emanuel Goldstein said...

No atheist tells me what to do.

Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

Apparently Andrew is an eight year old.

Anonymous said...

I needed to focus on the people who appreciate what I doMaybe you should work, let's say, for a homeless shelter to actually help to prevent parts of the suffering to constantly complain about instead of feeding your enormous ego.

Steven Bently said...

andrew "No atheist tells me what to do."

No? Then I imagine you're under orders of a mental health care worker.