Frank Turk Thinks I'm "Clever"

Regarding my chapters on the problem of evil Frank says this of the way I framed the problem:
Loftus’ clever enough that most people will probably not really grasp what he is doing....Loftus’ definition of the problem really avoids that criticism well — because he doesn’t put a moral value on evil. He resorts to an empirical definition instead, because frankly everyone knows when they suffer. Pain is a stake in the ground for him, and I say good for him for recognizing it. Link


Anonymous said...

How hilarious that he conveniently decided not to link to your book in the article. What's he so afraid of?

Adrian said...

RSS feed is working again, woot!

prophetess said...

I am only asking a question here but did you leave Christianity because of a sin you did not want to give up? I find many back slide when it is something they enjoy but it is sinful but want to continue doing?

now be honest with yourself and with me, was this the case?

I am not pestering or harrassing, I want to know how a preacher could turn their back on God?

Richard said...


If only there were some book where John explained why he became an atheist.

But, it's fortunate that such a thing does not exist, or your question would come off as exceedingly passive-aggressive and rude.

Jeff said...

Frank Turk blogs on First Things?? CenturiOn???

I've gathered that this is fairly old news at this point, but now I've seen everything. A fire-breathing 5-point Calvinist on what has largely been a forum for right-leaning Catholic intellectuals up until now.

I guess the late Fr. Neuhaus' ECT Project really was a lot more about advancing Republican neo-con politics than it was about theology and allowing a place for religion in the public square after all.

Off-topic, I know. My apologies. Just sayin'...