The Best Case for Atheism

I like the concept of this post.


___________________________ said...

Hey John,

This is only mildly related to the topic, as it is trying to get you to help someone make a better case for atheism.

Dr. Steve Landsburg is going against Dinesh D'souza at a debate and he is asking for advise from anybody who can give it. I am not sure if you've offered advice to him already, but your advice(or the advice of other experts you know) could possibly help him.

Breckmin said...

If the "concept" for God is incorrect, that doesn't invalidate God's actuality. The problem is with English words and definitions - it is NOT with the Infinite Creator.

The article fails to address concepts in Christianity which make those clarifications...particularly in systematic theology. As long as you use English words such as omnipotent and omnibenevolent and then pick at them with hyper-technicality, you will never see the pragmatism that the evangelical Christian sees when they discuss these concepts.
How many times have I heard sermons that started with "God can do anything!" and twenty minutes later the pastor is listing a dozen things God "can't" (won't) do. (destroy Himself, make Himself weak, create a rock too big to move, etc).

Everyone expects everyone else to employ common sense.


Chuck said...


If God loves us so much and wants us to know him then why won't he give us a language that will not lead to logical contradictions in concept?

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