CFI: Ground Zero Should Be Religion Free

Yep, that's the CFI proposal. If there is a reasonable one this one is it!


Eric J.S. said...

I am not sure whether they are serious or not.

It is clear to me that the Muslim community center should be allowed to be built because of the laws and the constitution.

FFRF, Sam Harris, and Hemant Mehta have all explained I similar position as mine in similar detail.

I am not afraid of religion so long as it is practice by those who seek something like spirituality. I believe that there will be people who seek the divine for a long time and repressing them is only going to harm them as it does in modern China.

Now blaming religion for 9/11, as a result of absolute, divine morality, is fair game. I personally would limit the criticism to Abrahamic religions who have a leaning to defining good in terms of God's commands.

No matter how bad religion is, there is a certain respect to human rights that building the community center deserves. It would goes against freedom of conscious to restrict these Muslims rights because they are Muslims, regardless of what the more extreme have done. Anyways, if they were a real threat, I am sure the FBI or CIA would know.

Eric J.S. said...

By "FFRF, Sam Harris, and Hemant Mehta have all explained I similar position as mine in similar detail," I meant "FFRF, Sam Harris, and Hemant Mehta have all explained similar positions as mine in much more detail."

Hos said...

The guy behind the project is an absolute asshole.
But assholes have protected rights too. Right are not just for people who believe in them.

Eric J.S. said...

I just clarification from CFI on the so-called Ground Zero Mosque issue.

They begin stating: "The statement issued by the Center for Inquiry on Friday, August 27 concerning the Ground Zero controversy was interpreted by some as calling for a prohibition on the placement of mosques or other houses of worship near Ground Zero or otherwise speaking out against freedom of religion. That was not the intent of the statement and we regret any misunderstanding. A revised statement that clarifies the Center for Inquiry’s position is set forth below."

CFI ends stating and clarifing what they meant: "CFI’s unequivocal support for the legal right of Muslims to place a community center near Ground Zero does not imply that CFI views the new center as an event to be celebrated. To the contrary, CFI is committed to the position that reason and science, not faith, are needed to address and resolve humanity’s problems. All religions share a fundamental flaw: they reflect a mistaken understanding of reality. On balance, CFI does not consider houses of worship to be beneficial to humanity, whether they are built at Ground Zero or elsewhere.

"This statement supersedes any prior statement issued by CFI regarding the Ground Zero controversy."

goprairie said...

Define 'ground zero' - if there were to be no reliigous buildings within a 2 block radius, I believe that some things would have to be razed. Do you know what is planned for TRUE ground zero, the site of the downed buildings? A shopping mall. Ain't THAT tacky? Yet, no one is offended.