Belgium Church Sex Abuse Report, a "Body Blow" to the Church

Harrowing details of some 300 cases of alleged sexual abuse by Roman Catholic clergy in Belgium have been released by a Church investigator. Peter Adriaenssens said cases of abuse, mostly involving minors, had been found in nearly every diocese, and 13 alleged victims had committed suicide. [The] findings were a "body blow" to the Church in Belgium. Link. HT: Harry McCall.

Yep, the Church is a divine institution all right! And in other news a cow flew over the moon.


Anonymous said...

The classic fundy response to this is. "Wait, wait, wait! Catholics aren't Christians!!!!"

Jeff Eyges said...

The Vatican was very quick to blame the US's "cultural depravity" before. How will they rationalize this one?

Manifesting Mini Me (MMM) said...

Relying upon the behavior of other people to form the image of God is idolotry. Jesus already forewarned people that Satan's closest relatives (the sons of hell) were those who used religion to corrupt the image of the divine in order to abuse power and alienate ppl from God. No surprise that He was telling the truth.

Chuck said...


Does Jesus have limited power or does he simply just allow this stuff to happen? Any rationale that invokes omnipotence in this seems to indicate moral bankruptcy.

Manifesting Mini Me (MMM) said...

Chuck - you asked, "Does Jesus have limited power or does he simply just allow this stuff to happen?"

From your question, it sounds as though your idea of power is that it ought not be shared - that it can only be relegated by God and God alone. Am I understanding your question correctly??

libhom said...

When will Ratzi be prosecuted for his role in the cover up?

Harry H. McCall said...

The ONLY reason the Catholic Church is on the spot now is due to a secular justice system and the electronic media.

Can you imagine the atrocities and horrors children suffered for almost 2,000 years when the Church had supreme authority?

Hell, forget rumors of Satanic cult killings and ritual sexual abuse! Who needs unfounded rumors: We have the Holy Catholic Church!

Manifesting Mini Me (MMM) said...

Harry, hi.

I have many friends and family who practice their faith under the banner of Catholicism who are deeply caring, merciful and kind and who do not allow those in abusive authoritative roles determine the nature of God.

At any rate, gotta go.

Harry H. McCall said...


If Christianity wasn’t institutionalized, I most likely would have remained a sincere believer much longer. But it’s the professional clergy who soon realize that with all the money and power under their authority, they are gods and their denomination is their Kingdom of Heaven.

I grew up in Charleston, SC in the 50’ and 60’s and had friends who attended Blessed Sacrament Elementary School and then on to Bishop England High School who told many stories of how the nuns beat them with rulers and did other very cruel punishments to them. I was usually shocked to find that the religious schools were much crueler than the secular public schools I attended.

Anyway I don’t fault your friends, but the Catholic institution they support.

goprairie said...

I may be wrong but I think the point is that if religion is about worshipping a real god and following the ways of a real god, religious people ought to at least a little more ethical than non-religious people, and they simply are not. In fact, the power structure and arrogance (god is behind all i do) of religion often makes religious people at least a little LESS ethical.