Did You Know That Krishna is the Father of Christ Jesus?

Yep, check it out. While you're at it read The Truth About the Gita. Christians just can't see it can they? Religion is bunk so Christianity is likewise bunk!


The Blogger Formerly Known As Lvka said...

Since you happened to mention Christ and Krishna in the same sentence...

Rob R said...

Religion is bunk so Christianity is likewise bunk!

Well, I spent a half hour watching that video.

I'm still not sure how the above conclusion came about.

Thesauros said...

"Religion is bunk so Christianity is likewise bunk!"

There are an estimated 73 million fake Rolex watches in the world, therefore all Rolex watches are fake.

There is an estimated 100 billion in bogus currency in circulation, therefore all currency is bogus.

The atheist world-view is absurd and incoherent in many areas, therefore its absurd in all areas.

Dan DeMura said...

Interesting video thanks... thing that struck me is the fact scholars question the existence of Krishna who lived centuries before Jesus... and now within this century scholars are beginning to question the existence of Jesus... is it a trend for the God Man?

Question for the Christian apologetic... the one clip with the girl giving testimony of Krishna and how he's always there ready to take her back etc etc.... how would this be any different if you substitute the name of God or Jesus into her words... there is none. Her (and your) belief is simply a psychological tool she uses to give meaning to life, nothing more.

Gods come in all shapes and sizes.

Anonymous said...

Krishna is the one true God and the smurfs are his chosen people

Dan DeMura said...

...the smurfs are his chosen people

I love it!