Showing posts with label John's Book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John's Book. Show all posts

From the Introduction of My Book.

Since here at DC our posts are brief and haphazard, let me challenge people who visit to seriously consider getting my book to read one single cumulative case against the Christian faith. In it you won't find a piecemeal argument like you find here on a daily basis. Consider reading it. Here's a selection from my introduction explaining what I aim to do in the book:

In this book I’m writing to explain why I rejected Christianity. It’s sincere, and it’s honest. In it I present a cumulative case argument against Christianity. It includes my own personal experiences with the Christian faith, along with the arguments that I find persuasive enough for me to reject that faith. I consider this book to be one single argument against Christianity, and as such it should be evaluated as a whole. My claim is that the Christian faith should be rejected by modern, educated people, even if I know many of them will still disagree. I’m just sharing the reasons that convinced me, and I think they should convince others. If someone is persuaded by the same reasons I argue for in this book, then I’m pleased.

My method is explained in more detail later in this book, but let me introduce it here. I consider the most significant sections (or subsets) of my argument to be

1) Sociological, in “The Outsider Test For Faith…”;

2) Philosophical, in "Does God Exist?," and "Do Miracles Take Place?”;

3) Scientific, in “The Lessons of Galileo, Science and Religion”;

4) Biblical, in “The Strange and Superstitious World of the Bible”;

5) Historical, in “Historical Evidence and Christianity”; and,

6) Empirical in “The Problem of Evil.” All of these sections are partially summed up in “The Achilles’ Heel of Christianity.”

These sections provide me with the control beliefs for rejecting Christianity’s specific foundational miracle/doctrinal claims.

Since having control beliefs don’t by themselves tell me what to believe about the evidence of a specific miracle claim, I will also examine the evidence for the foundational miracle claims of Christianity. I will consider them as the historical claims they are. I will examine them by looking at the internal evidence found within the Biblical texts themselves. I’ll consider what these texts actually say and scrutinize their internal consistency. Wherever relevant, I’ll also consider whether the Old Testament actually predicts some of these events. Then I will examine these claims by looking at the external evidence. I’ll consider any independent confirmation of these events outside of the texts. Lastly I will subject these claims to the canons of reason using the control beliefs I have previously argued for. I will conclude from all of this that Christianity should be rejected.

A Random Act of Sheer Brash Self-Promotion

As a random act of sheer brash self-promotion, my book is presently ranked in the top 7200 books at (it fluctuates quite a bit). This isn't too bad for a self-published atheist book that doesn't have much of a potential market share. It's at an affordable price though, at $13.57 with free shipping (if you buy a total of $25 in books). I can't mail this book to you for a better price. I think it contains the best case against Christianity to be found in any single book presently on the market, but that's just me. It covers most all of the important issues in sufficient depth for the average college student, and it's written in a fairly easy to understand fashion.

Believe this or not, Dr. Norman Geisler is recommending this book of mine to his Seminary students. Dr. Geisler was Dr. William Lane Craig's professor at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and is the author of over 60 apologetics books. He disagrees with my book, of course, but he also thinks there are many things his students can learn from it. There is another Christian apologetics professor I know of who is considering having a seminar to discuss and to debate with my book.

If you have believing friends and relatives who would consider reading just one book about why you no longer believe, I suggest you hand them a copy of my book. I would. ;-)