Conflicting Bible Teaching of the Week

How should a faithful Christian interact with non-believers? Check out this link for the answer. ;-)

Science is Essential to Morality

That's what professor McCormick argues in his latest Blog post. This is his conclusion:

God Blew it Again on National TV! Maybe He's on Strike, Right?

In light of my previous discussion about unanswered prayer, this is precious! Again God Blew it on National TV!

Dr. Marlene Winell - Recovering from Toxic Religion (Parts 1 & 2)

Here's an excerpt from a recent "Release and Reclaim" retreat where former DC Team Member Dr. Marlene Winell outlines 7 steps towards recovering from indoctrination by authoritarian religions.

Recently Posted: Richard Dawkins Interviewed (With Several Personal Questions)

This is part 1 of 3 which can be found on YouTube:

Richard Carrier on the Existence of Nazareth and the Movie Zeitgeist

Carrier argues that Nazareth probably existed in the time of Jesus and that the movie Zeitgeist is "absolute garbage." Don't fall for the arguments to the contrary, especially when it comes to that movie.

Richard Carrier on the Health Care Bill

We interrupt the fun here at DC with an analysis of The Health Care Bill by Richard Carrier.

How the Religious Right Stole Christmas


More Rapture Madness, This Time With Pets!

Recently I wrote on Why I Think The Rapture Madness is Indeed Madness. Now I've learned there is a way for believers who love their pets to buy insurance so that they will be taken care of by atheists after the rapture. Yep, that's right!

The Decade in Pictures "What a Wonderful World"

Anyone care to count how many of these pictures are about suffering through wars, floods, and the like? Link. Only a Pollyanna can look at this carnage and sing this song. ;-) Play the song while looking at the pictures if you can! I know, I know, believers will say this is not God's fault. Nothing is, right? But if a business was in this much disarray the CEO should be fired (remember, like God, he too must deal with human beings)!

Today is the Winter Solistice!

Today is the winter solstice. The sun has halted its northerly trek and is headed back toward the equator for the spring equinox. Atheists, what are you doing in celebration today? ;-) And what do you do on the Summer Solstice (June 24th)? Why celebrate one rather than the other? And why even do it when we no longer worship the sun? I just celebrate having family and friends during this season.

On Mythras, Myth, the Virgin Birth and December 25th

There is an interesting post on this topic over at "God is for Suckers." This is the conclusion:

The Mind of the Believer and Unanswered Prayer

[Written by John Loftus] I want to continue a discussion I started right here and followed up on here, about a time when God blew it on national TV to answer a high profile prayer by three contestants (self described "prayer Warriors") in a reward challenge for food during an episode of CBS's Survivor.

Did Jesus Exist? Thinking About Earl Doherty's "The Jesus Puzzle."

Recently I wrote on this issue here. I've been reading through Doherty's book The Jesus Puzzle since then. It's a great read and very provocative. He does as good as I would expect in arguing there never was a historical Jesus. Nonetheless there is a problem as I see it.

THINK Christian! A Graphic Depiction of the Scale of the Universe

Are Christians kidding me that this universe is fine tuned for life when so much of it is lifeless? Vast areas of this universe cannot support life, probably 99.9999% of it. And are they also kidding me that the whole purpose of creation was to test human souls for entrance into heaven? Why couldn't an omnipotent God who created the laws of the universe and who could also do perpetual miracles need this vast universe? All he needed to do was create a flat earth with human beings on it!

Can We All Just Get Along? Clergy Unite On a Common Message: Thou Shalt Be Civil

It calls on people to display respect for those with whom they disagree; to debate issues, not demonize opponents; to stop misrepresenting opponents' views; and to stop circulating e-mail messages that "demonize or humiliate persons or groups."

Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor Interviewed in The Daily Page

Check it out!

HT Friendly Atheist

Stephen Law on "The History of Humanism'


Who Was Wenceslas? Christmas Myth-Making, by William Hopper


A New Era for Atheism: Moral Realism

One of the main charges against atheists is that we have no basis for morality. Many early atheists like Nietzsche, Sartre, and Camus echoed the same thought. But we are now entering a new era. Sam Harris is a moral realist. So also is Richard Carrier, Link. Michael Shermer seems to be one as well who argues: "Moral principles are provisionally true—that is, they apply to most people in most cultures in most circumstances most of the time." These moral principles are based in the universality of human nature; who we are and what we want. We want to be happy, holistically happy. This is an end in and of itself that needs no further justification. As we figure out what makes us happy we should do it. It can be expressed like this: "Since humans want to be happy we should therefore do X." Here is a follow-up post on this same subject.

Was Jesus Left Handed?

If you hold to a pre-incarnate existence for Jesus, then there has been one human in the entire course of history that actually got to choose--before birth--whether he would be predominantly right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous. In fact, by holding to a virgin birth, it was absolutely necessary for Jesus to pick out His specific DNA, prior to being born. Could not let the chips fall where they may, because Joseph was not providing any.

Atheism: An Intermediate Reading List by Atheist Revolution

Check them out and become better informed, seen here.

Free Will in Heaven?

Under Christian theology, humans have the free will choice to accept or reject God and to follow or reject the temptation of sin. Assuming this version of reality is true, what happens when you go to heaven? Do you stop wanting to sin? Is it impossible to sin? Or can you still choose to reject God and be sent to hell?

An Atheist Meets God

Come on now, think Christians. Use your noggins not to explain away but to explain.

Christian, Tell Us in Advance Which Prayers if Unanswered Would Count Against Your Faith

I recently pointed out how a high profile prayer on national TV was not answered by God. I claim this as yet another piece of evidence that God doesn't answer prayers even if he exists, which he does not. So along come the Christian wannabe apologists, and guess what, surprise...

Sex With the Virgin Mary

You might try to guess which group put this image up on a Billboard in New Zealand. D'ya think it's from an atheist group making fun? No, not at all. It's from St. Matthew-in-the-City Church. Since I've previously written on how to increase traffic to your Blog or site this is an example of it. It gets attention. So also does the title to this post of mine. Controversy gets people talking. So okay, let's talk about it.

Dispelling the Original Sin in Eden

Over the last 5 years National Geographic has conducted “The Genographic Project” to establish human origins. They have tested the DNA of approximately 35,000 people and what they have found will have a profound impact, especially on inerrant bible believing Xtians.

Why? The study has shown that ALL males share the same Y chromosome (Male Y chromosome is passed on unchanged from generation to generation), which traces back to a single male – Adam, in the Garden of Eden, 4,000 BC, right? – No, the East Coast of Africa, 50-60,000 BC (let’s call him Alpha Y).

Maury Povich Show Results: "DNA Evidence Shows That Joseph is NOT the Father of Jesus"


Review of Paul Moser's The Elusive God: Re-Orienting Religious Epistemology

HT (Hat tip): Former team member here at DC exapologist links to it.

Excellent BBC Special on Secularism (Richard Dawkins, Alister McGrath, Ellen Johnson, and Former DC Team Member Ken Daniels Interviewed in it)

Check it out below:

On CBS Survivor God Had a Chance to Show the World He Answers Prayer and Blew it!

Last night God blew it. Plain and simple. He had a chance to show the world he answers prayers. But he was a no-show, which is par for the course, again. The episode took place during the reward challenge and starts at 3:30 through 14:40 seen here in this link (sorry about the ads). Natalie and two others prayed to win the challenge, calling herself a "prayer warrior." Watch what happened. Oh, but nothing will change the mind of a believer, right? It just wasn't God's will, right? Failed prayer is always explained away like this. But then what could ever count as evidence against faith?

Who or What is a Christian?

When apologist type Christians hear our deconversion stories they probe to look at something we didn't say (a precise set of words) or do (like pray the sinners prayer, or baptism) in order to claim we were never Christians in the first place. There are other cases when believers or churches do something terribly wrong that self-proclaimed apologists for the faith will claim these other believers or churches were not true Christians either. Okay then. Below is an article defining once and for all what is a Christian. It's such a quagmire that even believers themselves cannot agree. I find it absolutely hilarious that any of these apologists has the gall to tell anyone else what is a Christian. ;-)

"Why Would Anyone Believe in God?" by Gregory W. Dawes

Dr. Dawes is the author of the book Theism and Explanation where he defends the methodological naturalism of the sciences.

How to tell your Religious Parents you are Atheist/Agnostic

This is an interesting You Tube video:

Check out Jay at "Debunking Creationism"

Link. He plans to post more often than any of us before, so subscribe to the Blog.

Another Former Apologist Leaves the Fold: "Confessions of a Heretic"

Here's a few excerpts of what he recently wrote:

"Holy Relics Batman!" The Spear of Destiny and the Holy Foreskin

Over at God is for Suckers there is an informative post about the spear that supposedly pierced Jesus when on the cross: Allegories Gone Wild – The Shish-Kebab Of Destiny. Isn't this laughable? The religious imagination is rich isn't it? But it's just one of the reasons I reject such fantasy. It gets worse. Did you know there is one piece of the flesh of Jesus still on earth? Can't guess? Take some time. Think circumcision. Yep! Not long ago Ed Babinski wrote about it: Indiana Jones and the Quest for the Holy Foreskin. These relics have healing power you know. Who wants to kiss the Holy Foreskin? Apparently many do. Step right up and get in line. Yeeeeeach! Now if we can just know where it is or if it exists. [Hi Tyro ;-)]

To All Atheists Who Have Moved Beyond Linking to Debunking Christianity

A somewhat popular atheist site removed my blog from his links recently and I asked why. Here's what he said and my reply:

Christopher Hitchens On the Christmas Wars

I never cease to be amazed by how little the Bible-believing Protestants, who constitute most of the soldiery in the Christmas wars, know about their own tradition.

The Power of Prayer? Prove It!

The video below discusses prayer from a scientific perspective. It's fairly good.

Did Jesus Exist?

Knowing this provokes debate among skeptics let me say it this way...

Oral Roberts Died Today at 91 Years of Age

Oral Roberts was a kook. What better person then to be known as a pioneer for what the American church has become! ;-) The problem is that he will never realize he was wrong since he will never wake up from the dead. In any case here is a news item summarizing his life:

The Jesus Timeline Videos

This is pretty good; summing up the results of scholarship:

Hey Religious Believers, Where's Your Evidence? By Greta Christina

You'll have to read all that she wrote but here's the final part:

The BE-attitude Site: Happy Are Those Who Ask Questions

Check it out!

Democratic Loving People, We Need Your Vote at Fox News

Vote on whether an atheist councilman in N. Carolina should step down.

If Faith Brings Salvation Then Why Should Believers Care About Morality?

A former team member here at DC, DagoodS, asks this important question.

Christian, Why Don't You Reject Modern Science, All of It?

It's simply amazing that Christians accept the findings of science in every single area except the few having to do with their ancient holy book. That's one of the reasons why David Eller argues there is no debate between science and religion. [Read and vote on my review of his book right here]. The debate is rather between specific local religions and specific scientific claims. Why the duplicity? Why the double standard? Why not just throw out all science in order to maintain faith? Why not?

My Own Scale for Dumb Theistic Arguments

Luke over at Common Sense Atheism has a scale for how he ranks several theistic arguments and asked me how I would rank them. Okay, why not?:

The Intelligence² Debate, Is Atheism the New Fundamentalism? With Richard Dawkins, AC Grayling, Richard Harries

This debate is posted below: